Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Frilly and Funkie Challenge #23 A Harvest of Gratitude...2018 BLESSING!

       November. This particular month always brings a sadness with it from long ago when I was a teenager and my life seemed to have come to a complete stop after my 15th Birthday in October, just weeks before, that year. One parent decided to leave and I chose to stay with my Dad. Now, ordinarily, this memory stays pretty much buried under a good 35 years worth of happy memories my ChiefHubby and I have worked hard to create for our own family.. and then some- opening our door to others who had no plans. It's much harder to be sad when you're keeping busy doing things for others. I think that's how I got into crafting and using a talent I knew I had, but had no idea how to put it to work... until I got married and was determined to make a HOME where our future family would not just 'come home' to; but WANT to come home to! However this particular project was going to work out, I knew it was going to be including everyone in our family- even though we are now officially three homes (and extended as well into at least three more homes as both sets of kids add in their other Moms and Dads), The very title we were given as a theme, "A Harvest of Gratitude" set my mind in motion on how each year seems to bring changes to our family. Since 'harvest', in terms of planted crops, means "gathering together of" or in the words of my Grandpa - who grew corn on his 40 Indiana acres; it was "time to bring in the crop". Not a lot of folks outside of Indiana realize that corn is rotated with beans (usually soy) every other year, due to the fact that corn is a harsher crop on the soil, and planting beans in between, gives the soil a 'rest' while still reaping a crop. Thanksgiving is the fest after the harvesting of a crop to 'bring together" all the people who depend on the crop: family and friends. The very first thing done during this fest (and no; it's not turning on the first football game of the day....although....that does happen secondly...lol) is the presentation of the crop at the table (today's presentation usually comes via the grocery store since not everyone is a farmer) where everyone gathers around and silence is heard: so that our Creator/Giver GOD can be properly thanked. And there you have it: the first Thanksgiving. But, interestingly enough (and definitely not told in History Classes in school- at least, when I was in school, it wasn't taught this way); the Indians were the ones with the bounty of Harvest and the Pilgrims were starving and wanted to go back where they had come from! So, there we are given a perfect example of what we should all feel: gratitude for Friends- both old and new, for Family, and for all the Blessings; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Each thing that this year brought about had a reason for being. And in some way, however tiny it is: it changed us and we grew from it. So, even when sad things bring back those sad memories of the Thanksgiving I was 15 years old....I know it had a reason as each thing that crosses my path does.
                  Friday, November 9th, was a usual Friday- busy during the day and if nothing was planned for the evening (usually picking up groceries or a pre-planned event to attend), I could count on a couple of hours of just the four of us here at home. That number had held steady since two of our FurryKIDS had gone back to being Furry GRANDkids again. Our Older Son's first kitty, Shax had lived here with us for a couple of years.  (You Xbox-Gamers might recognize the name, SHAX , as "the demon prince of all demons"....this Grandma was so proud. *eyeroll*)  Shax couldn't live with them in their rented house but went back to his Daddy when Older Son and Wife purchased their new home & moved in time for Thanksgiving in 2016. We'd also had his first pup, MOOSE, during that first year, but about that same time Shax disappeared (see update later in this paragraph), MOOSE chose- yes; it would've been an extremely difficult parting for ME, except for the uncanny fact that MOOSE himself actually CHOSE- to go home with the Younger Son and Wife in May 2017. We had both dogs with us during camping at a nearby State Park and the kids had come over to visit and were discussing their search for a second dog to help Baxter, my "Little King" Grandpup Rat Terrier, company during the days of the wintertime while Holli taught at school in GoodHue County, MN. MOOSE jumped up on Holli's lap and then ran to do the same to Brett. I stood watching in stunned silence as both kids looked at each other and both nodded (they always did have this uncanny, silent communication even as 1st Graders together back in Elementary School) and then looked at me and said "We want MOOSE, Mom. Is that ok?" That dog sat up all night waiting for them to come pick him up the next morning as planned! You'll notice here; I always capitalize the name MOOSE. That's because it simply describes how he is: MOOSE is MOOSE. He is a Louisiana Catahoula who was purchased from a breeder by a friend of Older Son, Brian, who realized that they did not have the kind of time with 2 new babies. Brian adopted him without knowing his own life was soon to change for the best: he met our Daughter, Ashley, soon after and they moved to a rental closer to work and school. I never thought I'd be raising my GrandFURRIES, as I taught MY kids better than that!! lol! But MOOSE was simply too good of a pup to surrender back to the breeder- what he needed was lots of discipline and a set schedule. And while he still does things like...oh....eat an entire, expensive leg of lamb thawing out in the sink...or magically crawl up a wall and get down a package of hidden chocolate candy - without touching a single other thing- and leave only a fully untouched empty box on the floor. Yes, he's such a good puppy at 5 yrs old. But he's purely a big rubber, loving, cuddly teddy bear and settled enough that our NEW GIRL GRANDPUP in October, adopted by the Younger couple kids- Penny- will have a good example. We get to meet her WEDNESDAY!! 
             With all that explained, you can see how quiet things have gotten now that we are truly an Empty Nest. Being 'down to just' HunniPi and Miss BudderCup kitty has been kinda nice. Wittle Peanut Cole has his own three kitties (GrandKitties Shax, Pumpkin, and Spice) and 2 Golden Retrievers (GrandPups Macie and Bear), but Cole has had a special bond with BudderCup, and she has made an exception of her "That's enough, now," mood when it comes to Grandson Cole. She has allowed him to pull her tail, hit her upside the head, and step on and fall all over her- all in his infantile attempts to control his little arms and legs during his 1st year. For whatever reason: BudderCup took a total loving attitude towards Cole. She also tended to like being wherever HunniPi happened to be. After some time missing MOOSE as her 'pillow', she'd gotten used to using Hunni as her cuddlebuddy again.We were four, once again. Who knew that after that Friday night....we'd be only three?
             I had been in my studio getting things together for the embellishment part of this project, and as normal- both FurryKids wandered in to sit with me. HunniPi is my Hearing Helper Dog, so she is with me at home at all times. Budder had just come up to rub on my leg as I was counting all the Humans and Furries in our family while choosing my TH IdeaOlogy Number Brad. I found the right one...#18... held it out to Budder's nose and said "No, I did not forget YOU." and she went on out in search of petting from the ChiefHubby. A few minutes later, the ChiefHubby rushed into my Studio with "I think something's wrong with your cat," and we both went out to see her having what
looked to be seizures of some type. After Brian was born as a Preemie in 1989, he'd been through a good number of Febrile Seizures until the age of 3 or 4. I knew what was happening from looking at BudderCup, but I was at a loss as to WHAT was causing it?! The first thing we did: PRAY! She was getting worse by the very seconds. In an effort to keep from bawling my eyes out and not get this into post; I will cut to the chase and say that after getting through via phone after-hours to our Vet with the on-call younger, new Vet....he worked for over 2 hours to try to keep her alive and help her survive. But, in the end, the decision to be made was when and how to allow her body to let go of her life inside. He did the gentlest thing since he had tried to stop the seizures with anesthesia gas and then bring her back to wakefulness, but it was not working. She'd gotten weaker and was 'talking' to me and trying actually to PURR while I held her and petted her during those 2 hours. He helped her back to sleep after our goodbyes and then gave her the shot to stop her heart. We took her home to bury her in her own yard.
                 During those 2 hours, and especially just before we rushed out the door, as well as the day after BudderCup's death, we finally were able to determine what likely had happened....
Last month, we'd had a scare with HunniPi being ill from a cause that went unknown, but I suspected it could have been related to the only change that had taken place: the type of flea spot-on medication she took. Since our adoption of her (Fall 2009) we had been giving her heartworm monthly meds from our Vet, and flea spot meds from the Farm Store in the brand they own, I'd heard all kinds of horror stories about flea meds and knew from my sister's personal loss of her kitty, Jacob, and subsequent problems with their Ocicat, Houdidni, using the flea meds. (For the reason that I am not entirely certain that BRAND matters in this....I won't name brands here.)  So we were always extra careful when it was time for meds on the 1st of every month. But in late August, the local farm outlet stopped carrying Hunni's usual med. I let it go for one last dose at home, but did purchase another name brand for October 1st. A week later, HunniPi can down ill and we took her to our Vet after asking our Bestie to come see her and advise us. (I blogged about that scare, and kept that date in my mind...just in case.) BudderCup had her usual meds on time this November the 1st, but I thought of checking to see if the 'old' brand was in stock again for Hunni. Since it wasn't, I purchased enough for the winter season. Getting home, she got her dose and I thought nothing more about it. As we went over all that happened- and the frantic call we were advised to make to the company by our Bestie when it was confirmed: Budder was experiencing poisoning of her nervous system. That was when we practically FLEW out the door with her to our Vet's office. It had only been a matter of a few hours. But the damage was done, and she was downed by it so hard, so quickly; she was not going to come back from it. We ALL try so hard to take good care of our FurryKids, and it takes time, effort, and is also expensive. Our minds reel from the thought that our GRANDSON COLE could have came in contact with that also!! The meds are made with an oil and it can stick to just about anything. In Budder's case; Hunni's med is what stuck to her and this new med was potent enough to kill cats. The company- bless them for trying - had offered to help find an emergency Vet if we didn't know of one, and they did call back, a day or so after, to get an update on her.  
              Finishing this project has actually helped me through this time. But, instead of having photos of each one as a Blessing, I chose to make this in memory of BudderCup and her time here with us: he single baby NudderBudder, who died at 12 weeks; Sam T.Cat, who was with us for 19 years and shared his home with 'the church kitty no one wanted to take home'; and especially her buddy Shax GrandKitty- who showed up again at his home just 3 weeks ago!!! That next day (Saturday; November 10th) we had the very happy surprise that our next Grandbaby is a GIRL!!! The first Girl in 54 years in a 9 boy family! So, the underlying theme of Blessings seems to be about girls, and after meeting Penny, I will be able to add her photo onto the clip of the tag's front side. Each BLESSING is a change in our lives, but each comes with a reason and it all works to form that Plan laid out by our Creator GOD. So, for the loss, as well as the gains....
I can truly say: I am VERY GRATEFUL!

                                     Here's my project for this Challenge...

Building a 'base' for the large tag that would have a hidden pocket 
between the FRONT and BACK sides.

A simple sleeve pocket between heavy cardstock covered with my choice of TH Memoranda.

Here's how I put it together...

The left side (would be the FRONT of the Tag) was coated with Texture Paste using the TH Bricks Stencil, then some gold embossing powder allowed to dry completely before....
The right side (would be the BACK of the Tag) has been heated thoroughly so you can see the 
difference it makes to use this technique for some nice texture- and shiney golden color.

I had just taken this photo when the bottom fell out of our night...and my heart broke.
The previous day, I had played around with the new toys: Alcohol Lift Ink.
I had made several flags that I had wanted to use as part of my background.
But by midnight of Friday, my plans changed and I ended up just using a sheet of 
TH Wallpaper torn and shaded with my fave go-to Distress Oxide color: Vintage Photo.

Every time I see the TH Ecclectic materials used, I tell myself "Self, we are gonna do THAT
soon!" but I seem to fall short of my own goal. So I chose to use this Fat Quarter (from a set and also a pretty COOL quilted star from another set as gifts from my Bestie who is also a Cousin).
I felt it matched with the "sad song" in my heart right now.
Those of you who know: The LORD hears even the groanings of the heart when no words will come.

Distress Oxides: Antique Linen and Vintage Photo... and a little H2O, then heat.



What's Thanksgiving without pulling the WISH BONE?!
We've always done it by turns, but Ive never KEPT it for a (TH IDeaOlogy Trinket Pin) Keepsake.

Shown without a clipped photo....

...and with clipped photo.
Originally: The family photo was taken in 2014 and was going to be cut over black cardstock- 
to show "a shadow" of what we all looked like THEN, 
with the clip holding a newer photo of what we all look like THIS YEAR. 
My plans changed after Friday evening. But my thoughts are still the same:
Each one of us is a BLESSING!

The leaves were part of a gift from Older Daughter's Mom on a hunt for treasure finds.
She'd gotten an entire drawers set filled with stash stuff- FREE!
The shaved wood is from our camping visit up in Ely, MN, with the Younger Kids.

TH IdeaOlogy at work: the utinsils for Gobble-Gobble-Gobbling
all that (IdeaOlogy Mini) Pumpkin pie!



The HeartWings TH Alterations Die that was found via a DeStash of some VERY AWESOME LADIES this past Spring....so lovely here!!

This shows the hidden pocket in use....pics of photos coming also....

I love love love building up layers and going "down" in layers as well!

That Tim Holtz can really rock those techniques and teaching them, huh?

We got home from allowing our little girl to slip gently away, and before I tried to lay down to sleep, I found a bit of her fur on my side of the bed. It set me to bawling all over again,
but if anyone tells you that they "think it's silly to feel that way over a cat"...
Please feel free to reply from me: YOU HAVE NOT FACED BEING DEAF.
And you can explain that there's a world full of people like me; I not only love my 'pets' but I would totally be lost without their help hearing things I am not able to hear.
They may think I 'saved their lives', but in reality: I feel that GOD sent them into my life to save me. And for that reason- I know HE will take care of her now; alongside her baby boy.
My budderbutt BudderCup... we are three now, and we will miss her. 

If you managed to make  it through my entire rambling, I cannot thank you enough!!!
If you only peeked in at the photos: that's worthy of my THANKS also!
I am deeply grateful for all the Crafty Friends who take up the torch for paper (pun intended)
because I find myself getting not only inspiration from their projects, 
but I have gotten to know a little bit of people themselves as we share together.
THANK YOU to so many KIND comments left on my last project/post.
My shared time gives me nothing but joy if only one person out of any who read this,
and become uplifted with a smile appearing on their face.  

And don't forget: Badges to be had for your blog/brag page, and a chance to win
on a random drawing for a $25 GC from The Funkie Junkie Boutique .

While winning a Top Pick on any project is fantastic; that's definitely NOT why I shared this story.
I shared BudderCup's death because she was part of our lives,
and she was very much a part of this project from the very start,
so to not include what happened to her- it just didn't seem right. 
While I appreciate any condolences during this time, 
I already KNOW we've been in folks' thoughts and prayers for us during this time.
I know that even while you guys are reading this!!

Sunday morning (November 18th) we received news of a severe car crash 
during the early hours of that morning. Four teens from our county and city schools
(one boy and three girls) were hit head on by a drunk driver. Two are dead, and
the other two are in bad shape. One of those two is an Assistant on our Vet's Office Staff.
This comes barely three weeks after 3 children were hit by a truck not stopped while they
crossed over to board their school bus. Both of these have hit our community hard
since most people know everyone else or has heard of them.
Please stop and say a prayer for them;
and give your kids -and your FurryKids- an extra hug today.
None of us know the day nor hour we leave this life.

Please have a SAFE & HAPPY Holiday
while Giving THANKS and GATHERING!
Till next time:

They're ALL in my heart,
but I can keep count while they get in!