Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Find the Fun of Making a Compass

      Here it is, mid-November, and we had to deal with severe storms and tornados...LOTS of tornados. The Chiefhubby and I were driving home from Wabash in the middle of this. It was a visit to a funeral home, so it wasn't like we could put it off due to weather, or whatever. But it sure made the trip...well...vewy interwesting to say the least. Nothing like feeling the car lift up on you and seeing signs mown down by sideways rain& wind. The Chief being the Firefighter he is- was both cautious, and excited. Go figure. This girl likes staying on the ground. Preferably in a safe shelter. The funnel cloud I THOUGHT I saw was indeed likely very real. Too real for this girl- even with her Gurl Panties on.
       That said, November should be a month where we are 'stuck' inside and have more time to play "Crafts". Seems just when I got that time, I got hit with the first Flu Bug of the 2013-14 season. After three weeks of doing just 'catchup' and sleeping. (Mostly sleeping but whoz keepin' track here??) I did get a chance to finally go into the Craft Room for more than just dusting or sweeping it. And this was the result...

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