Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013 SelPHie Shots...Photo Phun!

                 This past fall, I had some phun with my photography...selfies! One day while the kids were still in their teens, I had some (actually a couple of years) down time and opened up my laptop going through alot of pics taken of our family...our Wedding Day, birth of older FFCaptSon, birth of younger PurdueNuclearHonorsEngineeringSon, lots of pics of my ChiefHubby as he moved up the ranks of firefighting classes& training, family trips, holidays, etc. (You get the picture...hahaha!) When I noticed that other than the 'mandatory' family shots on timered-cam....this Mom was rarely seen in a any  photos simply because we MOMS are the usual ones taking the photo. 
                  And then came along 'selfies'... or should we dubbed that, more appropriately; 'selphies' with the correct ph as in PHotograPHer?? 
                  Whatever. In any case, I was never one to want to be on camera, because I was more comfortable behind one. Unless we're talking STAGE, here: I could be up on a stage in front of a live audience and feel quite at home there! Having said that, a few years ago, I decided it was high time I took some photos of myself, lest our children, while looking at pics long after I am passed on, think : "There's none of MOM in these!", whilst they will surely remember me as Mother, Maid, Sweeper-runner, and carrier of the loaded dustingcloth. Enough chit-chat as I have tons to do before the CHRISTmas holiday gets here. It's already Dec.19, and while I do have the tree out& is missing the ornaments. My cards have not yet even been made. YIKES! Late Lyla is REALLY late this year! So without further ado...
                  Photog phun this past phall...(Crop, align, and touchup on these was a must where flubs were evident in the, oh..say... 100 oddpics I had to take to get these how I wanted. And, you'd die laughing as I did on the ones that got me TRYING& FAILING to get up on that phallen tree!!) The first set taken at GVFD station, and the middle & last sets were taken at Roller's private camping place during one of our many churchbuds camping outings all over Indiana together...

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