many times over in my life, and while there were several bad points of my growing-up years, GOD certainly has made up for it...ten-fold-plus! I met my ChiefHubby when I was just 16 years old at the start of the summer of 1982 when he was recently moved back into his parents' home after finishing his Freshman Yr at PURDUE University in West Lafayette, IN. Two years later, and already many great memories made, pasted into scrapbooks, saved for when we could 'take it out someday and show our kids' (which we DID); we were married in a nice, big, white, church wedding that we did ourselves. Just after our 4th Anniversary, Brian (CaptFFSon) came along, and 3 yrs later- just 17 days apart- Brett (Ygr PurdueNukeHonorsEngineeringSon)was born.
Along the way on our road of life, we met a family who helped make the hugest difference in our marriage,in our lifestyle and in our life itself; The Dixon Family. I'd chosen to return attending church which we kind of 'fell out of' at some point in those early years, the way alot of young people do. And from that very first visit to a church I'd gone to as a youngster a few times, this young, new, rather 'nerdy-looking' Preacher and his very young beautiful wife and blonde-headed little girl...well, let's just say that when I asked if he could explain some of his beliefs with me, his Wife said "We come together as a Family to visit. Is that ok?" I hadn't wanted David to know I was inviting them over. At that time, my Husband was a very shy person. VERY shy. Rarely ever talking in front of anyone unless he'd known them for a long time. And certainly never talking in front of a large group! Let alone running anything himself. So when he came home EARLY that day from work- walking right into the middle of our chat over this church and attending, and faith itself... I was at least able to say "See, doesn't he REALLY look like your cousin, Richie, Dear?!" (To which he did say he thought that it was indeed Richie when he first walked in!) Long story short-ER... David chose to start getting up to help me get the boys (4&7 then) ready to go with me on Sundays. Then came the week Brian said "Daddy's gonna go with us this week!" and I kind of "Oh. That's nice. But we'll see, ok?" (aka: Don't hold yer breath,kid.)
But, he did go that Palm Sunday. And then he chose to be baptised. His parents had David baptised as a newborn baby in the Lutheran Church. I was baptised in my Grandmother's Church- one of several she'd attended- Church of GOD. We were married in the Methodist Church, which I 'claimed' for my own, but was never allowed (or rather INVITED as it went) to become a member. Since this was a non-denom Christian Church we'd begun back to, I also chose to go through baptism again; with David. John baptised us on Sunday afternoon June 16th, 1997- the very day of our first date in 1982! Many of our own family were present- one of the last gatherings they all came for us to. We had everyone over to our home afterward, where we basically spent the entire day getting to know John & Christie alot better. The next day, Christie went into labor and had their second of what would become four beautiful- inside AND out- lovely young ladies whom we love DEARLY!! In August 1997, we watched as John baptised our sons at their request- in the same creek near our home that my Grandfather was baptised in during his youth.
We also got to know their families as they visited up while John & Christie lived here in Indiana. We also got involved in a missions that builds churches (based in Birmingham, AL, at a Baptist Church) called Carpenters For Christ. And in 2004, they moved back to John's hometown in Florida to help take over for his ailing Uncle who was Preacher there. While it nearly tore our hearts out, thinking that I'd never see them again, David promised that we'd see them MORE often than we did when they lived just up the road. And true to his word, he has kept that promise! Life was so busy when we lived here, that it kept us from spending much time together. But when we take time off to go to see them, it feels like we all just 'pick up where we last left off'. But not only do we have just the 6 Dixons, but the rest of John's family; his WONDERFUL Mom (who insists her name is just "MawMaw" and she is known to just about everyone down there), & 3 older brothers, with their beautiful wives,(and ALL the girls are BEAUTIFUL in that family !!!), children, & fast-coming Grandchildren; have chosen to 'adopt' us as their "Larimore-Dixon" side of the family. Can you imagine how much that means to us- when we have hardly any left of our own family to keep close touch with. It's almost as if GOD sent them up here just to make sure WE were saved for HIM. I mean not to be prideful, but rather that it is SO VERY HUMBLING to be SO VERY BLESSED!!! We LOVE that family SO VERY MUCH, and ask for The LORD to bless them more immensely than HE has chosen to bless us.

What a LOVELY memory that is for us! And I cannot thank the Dixon Family enough...the changes they helped us make were not done overnight. It all actually happened as we grew in our friendship, and in our love. And more importantly; we're all gonna be together with GOD for ETERNITY! A person just cannot be blessed any better than that. :D And to my ChiefHubby; I LOVE YOU MORE! HAPPY ReWedding Anniversary, Dear !!!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you check back again as I post more crafts, fun times, and funny times. Happy Blogging!
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