Saturday, February 1, 2014

Handcrafted Travel Journal

 Here's another post catching up on something I crafted before having this blog. I'd done this during the early fall/late summer of 2013 with the intent of using it during trips taken this summer. We've always done traveling in the summer since we tried very hard to take time away from the hectic pace of the world to spend time with our boys as they grew up. My ChiefHubby grew up with his FFDad at the station for 24 hr shifts, but during the summer. his parents always took a couple of weeks to travel with their three kids. Since David was the oldest, he probably remembers more than his younger set of twin brother 
& sister. I heard alot of the stories from his Mom- esp of their yearly trips to Walt Disney World which began even before the park itself was finsished. So after we married, it was one of the first major trips we took since I'd never been there, but was the ULTIMATE Mickey Mouse fan! :D
        I've put together another video this afternoon- just as it was getting darker. I will definitely admit that it is MUCH easier to do a video for anyone other than YOURSELF. Why it seems to be harder to make a video of my own hands....I think it has to do with the photographer's eye is in two places at once- one in the lens and one on the subject. A photographer is just alot more comfortable BEHIND the cam than in front of it. In any case, here is the Travel Journal...THANKS for watching and I hope you'll peek back in again!

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