Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day 2014 !

Valentines Day always brings to my mind that very first
one spent with my -then boyfriend/now-30yrs-Husband. Of course, every couple will remember their first special holiday together. Ours was -as per our usual- a bit strange. We'd gone to our first formal dance just a couple of weeks or so before that Valentines Day of 1983. For being just 19 then, David really showed this then-16 yr old girl a thing or two about formal dining. He'd made reservations as the poshest restaurant in Logansport. (And it really WAS 'posh' back then.) And he timed everything so perfectly, whereas we saw the rest of the couples having to rush through their dinner as we were leaving to have photos taken before heading off to the dance. A true Fairy-Tale evening! My dress, I will readily admit; was THE niceest one there. That was thanks to my Mother, Nola, who crafted that entire piece herself. While it was not something anyone else would- or could- take on, for her, it was simply what she does. And she does it VERY WELL. It was a shiney blue taffeta that matched my eyes perfectly. And David's Mom had found a tie for him that was in the same shade of blue touches. I will not comment on hair styles (UGH!). Ok, loooong story short: my dinner consisted of something I'd never had before to that date: lobster. And it was soooo DELISH!! Alas, it was NOT so 'delish' when I saw it again that night. After a dreamy evening of dancing with the guy that I felt- even then- was THE ONE...and yes, a 16 yr old CAN see that far into a future, so beware of your kids dating so early if you want them to finish school (and I did- another of my goals). Anyway...
      That lobster was seen again...and again....all through the night after such a beautiful evening. Later, my Mother let me know that she never was able to eat seafood and keep it down. MMM-Hmmm... Thanks. I lived with my Dad (they were divorced) and if he wasn't aware of my lovely dinner plate before that- yep, he found out in the middle of the night about it. FUN. NOT! So here is where "Lobby Lobster" comes in- brought in for me on Valentines Day (after he got off work at McDonald's where he gone back for his summer job after his first year at PURDUE). The CARD that came with it was so SWEET, and I still have it. And....Lobby Lobster still sits on a shelf in our bedroom where I can be reminded of that first wonderful dance, and that first Valentines Day when I knew this man was the ONE I wanted to spend my life with. This is our 32nd holdiay of LOVE. And GOD willing; we will have many, many more!
Wishing you all a wonderful day with the one you love,
and special blessings from the One who is LOVE itself: GOD !

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