Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hippity, Hoppity,....HAPPY EASTER 2014!

The Easter Holiday means so much MORE than chocolate bunnies in your basket (But far be it from ME to be AGAINST that!), or hunting for plastic -or real- eggs to gather more than anyone else. No. Easter was meant to mean so much MORE. More than you or I could ever give to anyone else; much MORE than we could ever want from anyone else here on this planet, or find out among the stars. What Easter means to us- to every single person who has ever lived in the history of life itself... is LOVE. Yep. It's that simple: Easter means LOVE. It's about GOD becoming a lowly man just like one of us; one who could be born, live, eat, sleep, work, play, laugh,...and die just like us. But very UNlike us, when GOD came as JESUS CHRIST; it was not to be UNlike us, but for us to be LIKE HIM. And the only way to do that was to conquer whatever keeps us from LIFE. Oh, sure, you and I are still going to die. From THIS life. Everyone will. But, because of JESUS and what HE did in dying on the cross for me on what we now celebrate as 'the Easter Holiday' (Passover meal on Thursday, Good Friday- the day of the Crucifixion, and Easter Sunday morning) I have FAITH...I trust in, hope in, keep looking forward to...a life that will be full while here and fullER and complete in an Eternal Life! If I turn out to be wrong about all this, then I have lost nothing: I just keep trying to live justly, have mercy, and walk humbly with my GOD. And-BONUS!-gain alot of friends who can count on me. Not a bad way to live. :D
And some Sweet Day, when it's my time to leave here, I'm 'looking' very forward to doing some really GR8 HEARING!

Blessings from our family, to yours! Happy Blogging!

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