Thursday, September 11, 2014

SEPTEMBER TAG; The 12 Tags of 2014

    What better day to post than on the 13th Anniversary of the very subject of my SEPTEMBER TAG; 9/11? I knew that whatever theme or technique Tim Holtz came up with for his Tag challenge for this month, my own take would involve some kind of remembrance for this date. September cannot get too far from it because of too many other reminders: the 49 years of my ChiefHubby's parents' marriage on September 1st, 1962 (before his Mom's death in Feb 2011), his Mom's ties as the 2nd highest-ranking Civil Service on Grissom AFB for 30 yrs (she loved the RW&B dearly), and not least at all: the ChiefHubby's own birthday on Sept 15th, 1962 (due on his parents' very 1st Wedding Anniversary, no less).
      No real 'instructions' for this one other than; Practice, practice, PRACTICE! with those alcohol inks, stencils and this technique!!! And most importantly: you simply CANNOT do this tech right unless you have that particular alchohol paper. It just will not work right with any other kind of cardstock if you want to achieve the same results Tim got with his. My own colors are muted down with darker-shaded inks for my own preferences. I do love the burst of colors his Tag got, but it wouldn't have made the right impact with the theme I was using. 

The detail of the tag's ribbon is to suggest a kind of bandage for 'healing'. 
I simply ragged-out strips of cheesecloth for this. I think it added the perfect touch. 

Of course, I did color, cut, fold, and glue enough stars for a few Besties who also have special days in September...

...and of course, I also added backsides to each. One of my Besties is married to one of our former GVFD Firefighters, and another Bestie used to BE a GVFD FF- yep, a GURL !!!

      And just because today invloves all Firefighters; here's a special SNEAK PEEK for a post coming out tomorrow!

If you don't know who these two guys grew up AFTER the 1970s.
Apologies for the Big Red. I wanted to make a Squad, but I hadda put some kinda 'salute' to my own ChiefHubby in here, somehow. Mayyyybeeee a Squad added soon...??

      Yes, I know this is gonna call for another of my "Johnny & Roy" captioning jokes because it is SURE to get a comment and eye-roll look on his face. Which, in turn, causes ME to have an Oh!-I-thought-you-were-having-a-seizure-again kind of look on MY face. hehe! 
     There are so many ceremonies that mark this day. So many memories that comprise one single day of tragedy. We live each day of our lives so differently than we did the very day before September 11. To say watching it, living it, and remembering the horror of that day...contacting our sons' schools (Elem where they were- where I was headed in to work that day, turning on the early news to check out the weather and seeing the first plane hit- and the HS just blocks away) to tell them to get the TVs on inside the office and not allow any children near it...contacting my ChiefHubby's parents to make sure they were watching and both ok...taking turns watching the kids in the classrooms as Teachers took a break to see the updates and cry if they needed a minute to regroup... knowing our lives were changed in mere moments of some other evil person's (or group of people's) desire for revenge that had nothing to do with any action done to them by the children in our life, our own school, our own home...sitting alone watching the events unfold, and realizing that in order to even CONTACT ANYONE- I'd have to try to use the hearing loudspeaker telephone that was all I had at that time- I WAS DEAF. Deaf and ALONE. Even now, it is very hard for me to describe that feeling. Sure, I knew I was deaf as a doorknob before that. I'd lived it for most of my life; since I was 11 when they'd figured out I'd gotten ill the first time with Scarlet Fever and Rheumatic Fever. But there's no stopping life or living...unless...and mine went ON. Without my hearing. And frankly, I had alot of help- mostly from David- and friends or others just took it along with ME. It came as baggage if you wanted to talk to me. never really bothered me, nor stood totally in my way. Until THAT DAY.
       Now, I see things differently. I see that GOD is way bigger than anything bad that could ever happen in this world. Am I saying that HE caused 9/11 to happen? NO! Of course not! But HE did allow it for whatever reason. And One Day when Judgement comes for us all- and it will- HE will let us all know the reasons behind everything. Until then, we gather...we laugh...we cry...we pray...we love. TOGETHER.
Try as I might....the doggoned thing just would NOT turn the right way. I even redid the entire photo THREE TIMES.
I give!!! *sigh*
This is what you will find on Tim Holtz's blog for The 12 Tags of 2014- September Tag.

       Thanks for stopping by (and for all the NICE NOTES and COMMENTS on my other crafts)!! Please, don't forget to check in on Tim Holtz's Blogsite for all the other WONDERFUL TAGGERS who are also creating with Tim on the journey he leads us on with his '12 Tags of 2014'! See ya next posting, and...
                         HAPPY BLOGGING !!!

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