Tuesday, November 18, 2014

By The Sea: a Configurations Book with a mix of 'Tim Holtz' and 'Graphic 45'!

Winter has apparently decided it needed to move in early, without a welcoming invitation to do so. At this typing, it is a mere 16* with a WCF (if you live in Indiana, you deal with this daily in winter- Wind Chill Factor) hovering at a slightly bitter ZERO...or just below. So with all that cold, mixes of ice and snow already covering the ground for a good two inches or more...time in the studio became available, & it warmed me up. What probably warmed me up was not so much the heat in the house as much as it was the craft I was working on: the Mini Configurations Book I'd picked up earlier this summer to use for our 30th Anniversary Cruise memories. The pics and items from the trip definitely took my mind off the bitter cold blowing outside the window!
I started out with a video explaining what I did to get the finished project, and added some photos below the video. This will give you a chance to see details both ways. Enjoy!


We both initially were on the jetski together, but after I did my donut thing and he ended up in the water. He let me go out alone after that. hahaha! (I had alot of practice on the first day of school every year- it took away the tears once everyone left me alone at home again...and made a couple of kids a wee bit jealous that Mom got to go out and play, hehehe!) Unfortunately, that was also the donut that caused me to forget I didn't have floaters on my Rx sunglasses. Good thing they were an OLD pair. I was smart enough to leave the new pair in my bag. After that- it was an all-out-race-the-waves free-flying alone out there; what a THRILL!!! And you could see all the way to the bottom of the water, too- BEAUTIFUL and well worth the $$ for that thrill !! 

The detail I forgot to mention: the bottom of this box is paper 'sand' with a cutout photo of our feet drawn as I photographed them inside a heart shape I drew onto the beach in Freeport, Bahamas, and then made ChiefHubby stand inside with me just for this 'flooring' idea. :)

This is what happens when you leave your Studio door open and a 2yr old Louisiana Catahoula pup decides to see if there's anything in there for him to play with. *slow sizzling burn causing SMOKE to come out of my EARS*
         Thanks so much for all the views, comments, and kudos! I have found so many of you fellow craft-bloggers to be VERY clever and also very sweet and supporting of each other. Once again, I wish you all HAPPY BLOGGING !!!

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