Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Ticket 2 Thankfulness....

 Like most churches, The Church of Christ at Logansport has a group just for the women, and young ladies. Our group is called The Ladies Friendly Circle, which meets just once a month. Each of us tries to take a turn hosting unless there is a visit planned to one of the three area nursing homes, or we plan a special event for others. Since those things take up half the meetings, that leaves only 5 or 6 other months to host.

   While not everyone can make it to every meeting, I try to get to all of them, and I always like hosting one of the fall months just so I can do something special for these 'sisters' of mine. This year, I got the help of a Co-Hostess, and while she helped IMMENSELY by making half of the supper planned, she had other events going on with her two younger sons, and I gladly took over the rest of it as I already had a little item planned for each lady. I'd just gotten a new Alterations Die- Big Ticket- for my birthday in October, and I was eager to use it. I kept thinking of the smaller TH tickets I have on my metal "Receipt Holder" that I keep four of my most recent or fave Tags of the 12 Tags. The tix were colored brightly and kind of 'too small' for using on my idea, but I went ahead and scanned them off, sized two of them together, touched up the coloring, and ended up with a CUTE big ticket to which I added the title "Ticket 2 Thankfulness" and also the words "ADMIT MANY" as a play on listing as many thankful things as there were left days of this month after our meeting. Since the night of the meeting fell on November 11th, I set the theme also with red, white, and blue balloons inside some wooden 'post' pumpkins that one of my "Besties" (also a member of our group) had made for my birthday gift. With a pan of hand-picked raspberry pie from this area earlier this summer... it fit in nicely with the Italian casaroles and salad.
In keeping with our work for others, we prayed for our United States Servicemen and Servicewomen - past, present, and future - and for the leaders of our nation; that they fulfill The LORD's will even if they are unaware they are doing so. We know GOD is in control, no matter what. 
 So, while I am thinking each day of how many BLESSINGS I am thankful for, I happened to read another friend's Blog (she's actually a very active writer, with several blogs), and was surprised at something she's thankful for that I admittedly have over-looked...she wrote that she is thankful for the ability to READ.

  I guess you could say, correctly so, that kinda 'hit me right between the eyes'! Being deaf, I depend on reading more than the average person. Texting, Closed Caption use on television and (HOPEFULLY SOON it will be ALL) internet videos, (and PLS!!) radio interviews and many other things that hearing people just don't stop to think how many of us are unable to hear and depend heavily the written word. So, YES, I agree WHOLE-HEARTEDLY!!! And I'd like to give a #SHOUTOUT to Tena Carr in Arizona for making me (and hopefully everyone else) aware of a seemingly 'simple' thing that I have DEFINITELY taken for granted! You truly 'WOW!' me, gurl! ;)
May we all be as 'open-eyed' and aware of many other BLESSINGS we may have missed in our hurried, everyday lives. And may GOD's protection and blessing be on YOU, my readers. I give thanks for YOU and for being able to BLOG with you all!!

Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Blogging

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