Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I've DEFINTELY Been "Inspired By"... AGAIN!! This time; a Trinket Tin "Let's Just Stick Together"

   Can you tell I had way too much FUN with all those bargain finds?! Well, I ended up doing another project (actually 2 more) and hopefully, I can make up for lost deadlines- lol! The TH Trinket Tin was another of those "I MUST try that!" things and actually, it's been one of my very fave things in the past, only I used Altoid Tins. Those tins were very tiny and very thin compared to Tim Holtz's more spacious- but yet, still tiny- tins. I had friends saving me those tins but they were actually so much more LIMITED than these Tim has designed. Ever since I was a young girl, I have adored tiny things and dollhouse items! I spent hours upon hours designing and making dollhouses of my own. And adding in furniture made from blocks of wood covered by upholstery scraps from my Professional-Sewer/Designer Mother's sewing room floor. She and my Dad would bring home remnants of string, cardboard, and perm markers, as well as machine-punched stencils from my Dad's factory machine. My next-older brother (a very talented/professional pencil artist) would draw out my doll stories while I made the houses and belongings as the story lines were acted out on my part. Those stories are very fondly remembered and so are the dolls- which came from many genres: Planet of the Apes, EMERGENCY! (Roy and Johnny and their Squad 51.... which I WISH I still had!!), Starsky and Hutch (as well as all their "Tomato Car") , and of course; Barbie and Ken along with The Bionic Woman and The $6M Man.
Hey, can I help it if they were all mixed families with very dysfunctional & illusional lives??
But, hey now; they had some GREAT digs made and designed for their personal needs! lol

      So, if I were to tell you where my INSPIRATION for this SECOND PROJECT came from...

                                              Tim Holtz Christmas 2018 IdeaOlogy

You can see the Christmas Trinket Tins I found.
I also have the regular Trinket Tins also.
Guess I can't turn down a tin!

I started out by making a set of patterns to use for the future (I have 3 more tins).
If you do this:
You need to make TWO sets of patterns.
The first set is what you draw around the box onto the paper and cut out,
then lay those into the tins to trim down to fit. That finished fitted set is the SECOND, final set.

The outside of the finished tin.
(You can see a bit of tape on the bottom of the pedestal piece...
I had a bit of trouble standing it on felt, but it stands just fine on the table top.)

It was REALLY EASY to do this- the toughest part is the TH IdeaOlogy Baubles rolling off
as you try to fit them around and glue them down.

Those TH DEER !!!
I LOVE THEM as much as the resin SNOWMEN !!!

See the wood in the trash bin as it "burns" (a red jewelry bead)?
My thoughts on this little Trinket Tin:
It's a cold night, and snow is predicted to come down soon (you see it up above as it
will hit the deer family first). The only way to keep warm is to STICK TOGETHER!
Even the deer (whom most people think are 'just dumb animals') know the only
way to survive is to stick together and help each other stay warm and provide for each other.
IF ONLY... we adults could get along in the world in the same way.
That's why I chose the TH IdeaOlogy Word Stick "WONDER";
because it is a total WONDER how we survived this long thinking we don't need each other!

The new year of 2019 brings a lot more Challenges and Happenings...
Here's hoping during all that, you will:

Stay Safe and Enjoy


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