Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge #6 Little Things ~meets~ Mini Album Makers MARCH Challenge...Tiny Typed Notes

    March. *sigh* March 2020 is definitely going down in History books for sure. I have a bit of a message out on that and if you haven't read it, you can read the post  CLICK HERE and rejoin this post by backtracking. If you're not interested; that's fine. The LORD knows each of us has our thoughts and anxieties during this time, and while historians will likely only write down the most prominent people's views, thoughts, and memoirs...GOD records ALL, right down to the least-known person in the entire world. That's good enough for me! So, if you're here for the craft only; let's get this tire rolling! 
This is one of those "2-fer-1" shots that ended up on both Challenges I am currently taking part in for this year: 

                                       The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge #6 Little Things
                                                and Mini Album Makers MARCH Challenge

   I actually made this during the first week of March for Mini Album Makers Challenge, hoping to take it with us over Easter on our trip to see the younger set of kids up in Minnesota. But then, this Coronavirus19 spread around the world faster than we could blink. Before we were ready for it, things were closing down - including the ChiefHubby's job. He ended up with a long weekend off and we suddenly had time that was not in his original plant schedule for 2020. Knowing the details from the start (that's covered in the aforementioned message post), we took off to go see and hug that new Grandson in Red Wing! It was a good thing we did; as soon as we got home, the "Stay Home" orders were coming out quickly. So my procrastination of getting this crafted make posted was from sheer shock, I guess. But then, I am trusting that everyone else is feeling the same shock. In any case, the wait may have been a good thing because TFJB Challenge Blog Design Team came up with "Little Things" as their assignment for March 18-31. I took one look at their "littles" and was pleasantly surprised to see that this MAM make fit the bill!
     Before we hit the photos, let me assure you that I have another make coming to enter for TFJBChallenge. I just can't allow my new stuff to not be used. Why, that's simply unheard of!!  ;)
And now...LET'S DO THIS!

Since we're putting off any unnecessary shopping for the time being,
I sure am glad I did buy this Paper Studio Farmstack a few months back!
While the newer Tim Holtz paperie finds their way to the stores and stocks near me,
this stack has willingly stood up to meet my ArtMuse's needs. 
And she's grateful...very!
Again, I am using Eileen Hull's awesome Passport Die...if you don't have this die,
it's VERY worthy to add to your wish list- at the TOP of your list.
Yep; it IS that cool!
Copy Paper is used for each "signature" or group of blank die cut sheets
that form the inside book pages of a BLANK notebook.
I cut mine by the 'stack full' which is probably about 10 sheets, or less, at a time. 
Regular Copy Paper comes in colors of all kinds- check out your Staples or Office Depot.
I prefer to use the white or the linen shades for my books. 
I'll probably give other colors a whirl later this year, though.
Just remember that colored sheets are a bit thicker than normal copy paper,
so you will need to adjust your amount during die cutting- for the sake of your machine.

I die cut all the basics for 2 books and sanded all the papers on one side.
The other side didn't matter as my base boards were all cut from MAT BOARD.
I used Glossy Accents to adhere the 'blues' to both sides of the Mat Board pieces.
For those who aren't in on the Mini Album Makers Challenges, you can see the post here
For those who already follow MAM- this was the January Prize that I received in the mail...
THANK YOU, Design Team!!
As I said in February; I wanted to use it soon... and here we are:

I chose AALL & CREATE's Stencils #49 and #61 to use on this project...
#49 came first- onto the outside of the two books' fronts.

You'll notice that I did NOT stencil it all the way. I wanted a PARTIAL stenciling.
I have always USED my workstation to the fullest: hammering, or cutting...
I have blocks of wood for the roughest stuff, but I'm used to putting my table to USE.
So making the stencil on the covers AFTER putting it together was already the plan.
It's just the way I work. So I stenciled, embossed, and then repeated until I got
the partial look I wanted. You'll notice WHY this look more in the next pic: 

See those lines under the floral part?
I wanted those lines but NOT embossed.
If you pinch this to look closer, you'll see that the look fades away
as it gets closer to each book's binder.

Now for AALL & CREAT Stencil #61
(Yes, there was this same pattern in a shorter collage version on #49 up above.)
I couldn't let the books go without using these on the inside covers,
I also used the typewriter keys stamp from the Tim Holtz Stamp Set CMS226 Documented.
I actually had these cut first, but for the sake of the tutorial here, it's listed later.
Layering the tiny typewriter,
TH Movers & Shapers Die Mini Vintage Telephone & Vintage Typewriter Set
along with the TH Base Plate Die (for Movers & Shapers Mini Sets),
using TH 8x8 Corestock Paper,
I gave each layer a coat of Glossy Accents to adhere and give the overall look.

Taking a pic of the TH Distress Inks and Oxide Inks helps you keep track of what you used,
as well as the tools you used- like my TH Tissue Tape Dispenser and roll
of "Symphony" (the Dictionary roll of the twin Tape package).

A couple of TH Type Charms
H for younger Teacher Daughter, Holli, up in Red Wing. She grabbed up an old LOVELY working
typewriter during one of our "Route 61" yard sales they have each year.
Yeah, she grabbed it up from under my nose while I was trying to decide
where to put it at in MY house, the little girl turd. lol!
A- for Bestie BJ Army. I had a hard time trying to decide on ONE CHARM or THREE??
Three just looked too heavy, and I was out of Bs and Js. The A won out.
The gold set of sealers was a bargain steal from Hobby Lobby in early February.
My last visit out. For NOW anyway.


1) I used an IdeaOlogy Alpha Parts Framed for sentiments on each book's front. 
The very last 2 of such in my stash- save for the numbers and arrows.
2) Yes, that seal set on the right side book is intentional.
I did the first book on the left, then did the right side book and it was so fun,
I did it again. That second layer looked a bit like a ROSE, so I added another layer!
It's different, yet cute!


Perspective to see the 2 signatures of each book.

I used white string this time- needlepoint string- and liked the results!

Inside Front Covers...

Inside Back Covers

          And there we be, friends! This book was made at the start of what we hoped would be
a virus that was contained in one place. And during the two weeks these sat on my desk waiting to 
be photographed and posted, then given seemed to be the least of my concerns at the time.
But, like the "Toilet Paper Fiasco of 2020", we all need to be able to laugh and stay busy with things that keep us healthy in all around ways, as well as CONNECTED to each other in this time of 'distancing'. So it finally got my butt in gear. And I'm hoping to push myself more, once again, and get busy LIVING....and CRAFTING!!
                            I hope you'll take a peek into both of these sites...
                                              The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge Blog
                                      which is Sponsored By: The Funkie Junkie Boutique
                                     Mini Album Makers led by DT Member Autumn Clark

        The inspiration makes and the entered makes in both Challenges are AWESOME!
I've 'met' some of the very BEST Designers from my makes in these sites- you can't beat free tutorials that help hone your own craft at crafts! So please; feel free to come join in on the fun- especially NOW when you've gotten the house cleaning all caught up (sans the usual every day laundry and dishes that are the bane of a Homemakers entire existence… lol), and you're looking for something NEW or FUN to do!
                                 Thanks for taking time to check in!
                                                                Until next time....

                                  HAPPY BLOGGING!!!

Coronavirus Life On The Inside...Here's the deal.

For what it's worth... 
   Buffalo Springfield's song was my 'mantra' in my youth. I was all against "the establishment", and all for saying that people needed to be free to say how they feel or what they are thinking, and I'm sure that's true for the rest of the Baby Boomers my age and older. But, this Baby Boomer -just off the cusp of it, born in October 1965- was the youngest in the household of older siblings, which basically put me into the same age category.
   I guess growing up, my friends were either my own age or older than myself. And, I know I was one of those 'born older' kids who watched the news in the evenings and read the newspaper- not just for the comic page inside, but the news. I remember Vietnam playing out on the TV screen, and especially the frantic pullout of the last helicopter. At ten years old, I knew even then what I understand even more of now; those people left behind were going to die. And that each person was a part of 'statistics' as a number. What I grew up and still not understanding was how anyone couldn't see that 'number' in that set of 'statistics' as a human being who -at some point- had a Mom and a Dad, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Siblings, and Cousins. Not to mention friends and neighbors they worked and lived among. All those 'numbers' had left behind SOMEONE who was grieving their death. I think of those people often, as the image rarely leaves my mind whenever news focuses on our country's 'other side of the world'. And these images mix in with WWII- Hitler's aim at 'liquidating' anyone he thought was of 'lesser human value' than his own. GOD will have vengeance, I am positive. And that leads my thoughts back to that 'anti-establishment' feeling that the people in power are the ones who are important. The rest of us are just fodder for fulfilling their needs.
      At least; I HAD felt that way. But in the past few years; I'm feeling differently. Call me what you will, but I'm going to keep on fighting the good fight. I'm going to keep on taking comfort in the following FACTS:

        1) GOD is still in control of EVERYTHING. HE created the world and the people who started 
               making the babies- from whom all of us have come. HE gave certain gifts to some to be       
               able to be Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Computer Wizzards, Chemists, and all Engineers, as 
               well as Homemakers, Housewives, and plain old factory workers (YES- there IS a gift in 
              that; to be able to stand up to that type of work for 30 years plus...try it and find out)…. and 
              even Lawyers and Lawmakers. I'll leave out Politicians because I can't make up my own 
              mind whether they are 'gifted' or if they are simply criminals who find loops in the very 
              laws they claim to uphold. So that leads to the next thing...
        2) GOD already knew about all this stuff even as HE created the very Earth these things are
               happening on. Praise HIM for giving us free will to choose what we do in our lives- HE
              knows and controls but at the same time doesn't push things on us. Our own bad choices 
              lead to many downfalls in this worldly life. Chinese Authorities made a hugely bad choice 
              not to announce to the rest of the world that they had a slight problem from the start of it. 
              YES- I am SURE they had to have known. Their bad choice to keep the rest of us from the 
              basic parts of the entire start of this thing only deepens their own grave in the financial 
               world. That's called CONSEQUENCE- from wrong choices made.
                Unfortunately, even one bad/wrong choice can have consequences for EVERYONE in a 
               domino effect- like what the world is experiencing now. If it had been only ONE person's 
              personal wrong choice, it may have had only a few consequences for those around that ONE 
              person. When it involves more people- it ups the ante.
     3) GOD will take care of us all. Yep- HE loves even those Chinese Authority people who made 
             this wrong choice, and even so as they continue to make the wrong choice not to share info.
             The sad part is that not everyone will still be alive in this Earthly life. And while bad choices
               might be involved in a few cases (smoking cigarettes and having to deal with the resulting 
              lung disease caused high risk to catching the CDVID19... well, sure)'s not like  
             those people went out looking for this latest virus. This thing is killing A LOT OF
             INNOCENT PEOPLE (innocent as far as 'did nothing wrong in order to get this and be 
             killed by it' as well as CHILDREN 9even as they heal from it) suffering from the illness or 
              watching their Parents and Grandparents go through this.  
              The kind of real emotional trauma we are ALL going through from this.
              That's what we're talking about here....GOD's got this! Yep- for EVERYONE; whether we
               die in this life, or continue to live in this life.
              GOD is there for YOU....IF YOU LET HIM.
    4) GOD will bring a tomorrow for those who will TRUST HIM.
              I am not going to panic.
              I AM going to CRY if I need to. Have I cried over this? Have I been afraid? Oh, heck YES!
              It's natural for anyone to feel afraid when danger comes. It's natural to cry when you start 
              feeling depressed and sad at seeing all the news of CDVID19 new cases and newly reported 
               deaths each day. To feel otherwise would be to NOT be HUMAN!
              The BIBLE has 366 times the words "fear" or "afraid" is used in telling us not to be afraid, 
              nor fear the unknown. Most people say that number is to cover each day (plus an extra for 
              Leap Year) to remind us that GOD is in control. JESUS even said it: "Fear not- for I am with 
              you always." 
               Yes, it's meant to tell us to STOP being afraid. But we don't know the feeling of fear unless 
               we first experience it. No brainer, that. I tend to think that as we read through the entire
               Bible (if you have NOT read entirely through, then how can you judge the book?), it takes 
              time. Even if we read one entire Book each day, things are happening during the course of 
             the day that could cause us to fear something or be afraid. So MY thoughts are that these are 
              just little reminders as we go along studying, reading, and living out our days- each day one                  at a time- we read GOD telling us "I am here with you, so I'll comfort you through this 
               thing,"...and HE DOES.  I can dry my eyes, get up, get busy, and even LAUGH again.         
             Our WONDERFUL CREATOR made us so perfectly- we have feelings that make our bodies 
               react. Even Scientists agree with this fact. Fear and Anxiety make our bodies want to take 
              physical action. But; it comes from GOD Himself- that spirit of Self-Control to take that fear               and anxiety and allow it to bring us closer to HIM. That's where the calmness is felt; giving 
             in to the fact that we puny humans cannot control everything. We're WEAK. Let's face it- 
            we're only strongest when we bond with a weak twig can be stronger in a bundle
            of weak twigs. The problem is that we tend to bundle ourselves up with other weak humans. 
              And when a bowling ball gets dropped suddenly on that bundle.... the bulk is broken up to 
            bits. Why not bundle up with a larger BRANCH? If I was going to hide to protect myself 
            from anyone seeing me, which do you think I'd choose: a skinny Sapling just planted, or a 
             giant Redwood tree trunk?
    5) GOD does love YOU- even if you don't believe in HIM. Can you say that for any human when 
            it comes to loving you? Humans are fickle. Jobs are fickle. Money is fickle- money comes 
            and goes; mostly GOES! Life itself is fickle. You live and then you die as a 'number' in a 
             statistic for that year. Your physical body rots- no matter if it's left out, buried, or 
             mummified. People forget you.
            But not so with GOD.
            "For GOD so loved the world, He gave His Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST, that  
             whosoever believeth in Him, should have everlasting life." from John 3:16 in the BIBLE. 

     I'm praying for my ChiefHubby, our Kids, our Grandbabies, and all our friends, extended family, Church family, neighbors, and everyone around the world. I'm praying for the animals in our world, for our Earth itself, and our countries and all their Leaders. I'm praying for the USA and that our flag will be waving proudly when we all get back up and out again. I know we will rebound; our people will mourn together all the loss, and celebrate the RE gains as we pull together again and get our economies going... one day at a time, one thing at a time....under GOD in Whom We TRUST! 

      "Blessed is the nation whose GOD is The LORD." Amen!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge #5 Aquamarine... Guest Designer... "Coeur de l'Oc'ean"

     What FUN it is to be chosen as Guest Designer for 
The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge #5 for this year ! And the theme is going to make it exciting to see what everyone comes up with; "Aquamarine".  Cec is leading the DT with this and it involves making Aquamarine a focal point of your make. When Cec first contacted me about the taking her up on the Guest Designer invitation, she mentioned thinking of the color of the ocean. And right away, my Muse was off and running with that! She's included a photo showing the kind of color being mentioned here, and I'm not only sharing the photo here, but I'm also  including the written definition (via internet info). It's a beautiful color and I have 1 Daughter who has a March birthday coming up- on the 23rd- so she has this color for her birthstone. It's the first birthday our family celebrates each year, and the birthdays keep rolling in after this one.. 2 in
April, 1 in May, and 2 in June, before we get a break and the rest come in September, October, & November. While the summer season is my favorite time of year, I'd have to say that the color of the ocean is always at the forefront of my thoughts. It's such a mesmerizing color! 
    It's a fact that I am a huge fan of water disasters and movies of the same. When Steven Spielberg came out with "Titanic", I just had to see it on the big screen! And then again when it came out in 3D, or course. So, now you're understanding where the title of this post came from... "coeur de l'oc'ean" (French) means "heart of the ocean", and Wikipedia says it's straight out of the movie. (One of my Brothers is fluent in French and Spanish, but I was a Latin student, so I hope my capitalization is correct.) If I needed any other inspiration aside from the color itself, I had plenty; I played the movie any time it aired on TV- which was no less than 7 times during the 2 weeks I had to finish this project. It's okay- the ChiefHubby is pretty used to that by now. This make comes straight off the same idea ( The Do Nothing Box ) that won me this very spot for Guest Designer, and both are fires lit by Megumi Heraoka - a fellow Tim Holtz Addict (THA of Facebook). Make your fingers run, not walk, to Google her name and see her awesome designs that are totally interactive!

                          So here's how mine came about... 

Checking out the leftover Valentine clearance items
(they make good prizes for my Sunday School Pre-K Class),
I came upon quite a few nice things.
 the items came in were nice and REusable, definitely!
First thing I did with these boxes was open one up to make a nice keeper of a pattern
to use for future boxes of any depth.

Then, it was choosing paperie for my plan...

NOTE: I notice at this typing that I have the wrong die for the gear used.
The photo should have TH GEARS #1 (the first Bigz Gears Die).
...and picking out which TH Alterations Dies would work for the things I wanted to add into this.
The X is on the only die I ended up NOT using at all.
I was going to put the title/sentiment (of the character 'old' Rose) said at the end of the movie,
but ended up not wishing to cover up any of the backside. 

Next was choosing elements that fit the bill for "Aquamarine" requirement;
the gemstones and the glass beads looked great to me!
The ocean stamp set is one that I purchased years ago and hardly got any use out of.
Till now, anyway.

Second thing I did with the first box was use my Scoring Plate to resize the depth of the box.
The length and width stay the same- so the plastic lid will automatically fit
if you're only scoring closer to the main floor of the box to make the walls lower.

The fun was on: using the TH Alterations Thinlit - a fave of mine; Faceted Heart,
and using the aquamarine gems to form "The Heart of the Ocean".
A little bracelet from my stash of unused/old/misfit jewelry would work
as it would look the same scale size for a necklace.

For the inside background- I really wanted to use my new TH Alterations 3D 
Embossing Impresslit Crackle.
The trick was: I wanted to make both SAND and WATER with it.
Simply turning it over, I was able to get the pointed up side to make the water
(think of a photo of the top of your pool water sparkling in the sun).
Turn the Embosslit over and it made smooth hills- sand!

Shown here is the "water" with points up.

This probably could have been in the last "Leap Into The Odd" Challenge.
It's the bottom cover of one of my weekly immunity-killer shots (for RA).
I always wondered if there was a way to use that thing since the needle was
further up into the housing after the medicine is dispersed.
And YO!! it fit the middle of the gear!!
Since I have to do shots every week (since 2007 & for the rest of my earthly life);
I'll have a steady supply of these! And the killer is: FOUR of these little doodads
cost a whopping $12,000.00 (you read it correctly: $12K)!
Hmm...should I insure this little make for $1,000.00 ??
Oh, wait... I did trim a bit off of this one... "PRICE DISCOUNT!" Lol !!!
This is the MIDDLE GEAR from TH Alterations Die Gadget Gears (the first gears die).

*One MORE mistake: In the VIDEO, I think I only mentioned TH Paperie "Memoranda",
but BOTH Tim Holtz stacks "Memoranda" and "Correspondence" 
have the world map paper used on the outside back of this project.
The TH Tapes are great to use for the edges of the box- I added alcohol ink coloring afterward.

I trimmed the 'shot piece' to fit the depth of the heart/chain, box, and gear.
Then gave both it and the gear some Alcohol Ink in Rose Gold-
just for the fun of the play on the name...ROSE!
Should I name the gear "Jack"?? Lol

Here's where I am putting the tape around the top edges of the finished inside background.
Note the softer look of the sand compared to the pointy water.
I coated it liberally in Glossy Accents- to give the sheen of water.

Distress Oxide Inking in my go-to fave shade: Vintage Photo!

The cuts were doubled- the inside was the Corestock Classic brown backing with
the color showing on both outside front and back- using Glossy Accents 
very liberally. I shaped the pieces as they dried, so they could withstand the glass beads
banging into them on the inside.
Distress Crackle in Tim's Clear Rock Candy helped shape & texture the horsey.
Clear Glitter Stickles outlining on the seashells gave them some sparkle.

I'm holding the dried shape of seaweed. The twist holds really well.
This is where being 'heavy handed' with the GA glue works in my favor-
it helps give a 'wet look', so I used... like...a ton! ;)

Putting a few permanent stamps onto the clear plastic front-
using the backside of the box for a base to steady the stamping.

Adding a bit of faux rust...
it's been under the water for 84 years*!!
(* years according to 'old Rose' at the time of the movie setting)

Dive in for the Result:

"Coeur de l'Oc'ean"

The bottom of the ocean floor- as seen from the bottom of the box.

The Heart of the Ocean- as shown from the top.
The heart is actually on the 'pedestal' end of the shot cover piece. 
Since the white shot cover piece was a bit flimsy (it had previously been
supported with tough rubber inside, which I removed since it had touched the needle),
so I just filled up the tube with the tiniest lesser-used sticky pop dots.
The dots not only firmed up the shot piece very well, but also helped adhere
the heart & chain piece to the pedestal.
(I wish I had taken a photo of time!)
For the heart/chain piece: in order to keep the chain from getting tangled on everything,
I came up with the idea to mount the heart and chain on a cut out clear plastic circle
from another piece of plastic trash out of my stash of plastics.
I simply laid the chain down in a circle around the edge of the plastic, connected
one end to the heart and then poured a heavy layer of Glossy Accents
(I'm so good at that) over the chain as well as the spot under the heart.
As you'll see in the VIDEO below- the glass beads run freely all around the heart and chain.
The chain looks like it is spinning  away from you- just as if you've just
tossed it into the water like old Rose did off the end of the R/V Keldysh research ship. 

The BACK- note area where Titanic sunk is shown.

The 'plug' in the middle of the gear is just a spare piece of Mat Board
leftover from another die cut.
I actually found it on the floor after a night of die cutting and picked it up
thinking I'd use it for something... you just never know!

It was fun to add a different tape around the outside edge...
it caught my eye and I was thinking of "old Rose" saying
"The heart is a deep ocean of secrets."
The look of writing reminded me of tiny written 'secrets'.

And here's a VIDEO...

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my inspiration for this

I hope you'll join in on the fun of challenging yourself in crafting
getting in on a drawing for a $25 GC-
courtesy of our Sponsor;

And I'll be having some FUN checking in to see all the great makes
while getting a couple of weeks 'off'.
See you on the flip side, folks!

Till next time:

Be Safe &