Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus Life On The Inside...Here's the deal.

For what it's worth... 
   Buffalo Springfield's song was my 'mantra' in my youth. I was all against "the establishment", and all for saying that people needed to be free to say how they feel or what they are thinking, and I'm sure that's true for the rest of the Baby Boomers my age and older. But, this Baby Boomer -just off the cusp of it, born in October 1965- was the youngest in the household of older siblings, which basically put me into the same age category.
   I guess growing up, my friends were either my own age or older than myself. And, I know I was one of those 'born older' kids who watched the news in the evenings and read the newspaper- not just for the comic page inside, but the news. I remember Vietnam playing out on the TV screen, and especially the frantic pullout of the last helicopter. At ten years old, I knew even then what I understand even more of now; those people left behind were going to die. And that each person was a part of 'statistics' as a number. What I grew up and still not understanding was how anyone couldn't see that 'number' in that set of 'statistics' as a human being who -at some point- had a Mom and a Dad, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Siblings, and Cousins. Not to mention friends and neighbors they worked and lived among. All those 'numbers' had left behind SOMEONE who was grieving their death. I think of those people often, as the image rarely leaves my mind whenever news focuses on our country's 'other side of the world'. And these images mix in with WWII- Hitler's aim at 'liquidating' anyone he thought was of 'lesser human value' than his own. GOD will have vengeance, I am positive. And that leads my thoughts back to that 'anti-establishment' feeling that the people in power are the ones who are important. The rest of us are just fodder for fulfilling their needs.
      At least; I HAD felt that way. But in the past few years; I'm feeling differently. Call me what you will, but I'm going to keep on fighting the good fight. I'm going to keep on taking comfort in the following FACTS:

        1) GOD is still in control of EVERYTHING. HE created the world and the people who started 
               making the babies- from whom all of us have come. HE gave certain gifts to some to be       
               able to be Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Computer Wizzards, Chemists, and all Engineers, as 
               well as Homemakers, Housewives, and plain old factory workers (YES- there IS a gift in 
              that; to be able to stand up to that type of work for 30 years plus...try it and find out)…. and 
              even Lawyers and Lawmakers. I'll leave out Politicians because I can't make up my own 
              mind whether they are 'gifted' or if they are simply criminals who find loops in the very 
              laws they claim to uphold. So that leads to the next thing...
        2) GOD already knew about all this stuff even as HE created the very Earth these things are
               happening on. Praise HIM for giving us free will to choose what we do in our lives- HE
              knows and controls but at the same time doesn't push things on us. Our own bad choices 
              lead to many downfalls in this worldly life. Chinese Authorities made a hugely bad choice 
              not to announce to the rest of the world that they had a slight problem from the start of it. 
              YES- I am SURE they had to have known. Their bad choice to keep the rest of us from the 
              basic parts of the entire start of this thing only deepens their own grave in the financial 
               world. That's called CONSEQUENCE- from wrong choices made.
                Unfortunately, even one bad/wrong choice can have consequences for EVERYONE in a 
               domino effect- like what the world is experiencing now. If it had been only ONE person's 
              personal wrong choice, it may have had only a few consequences for those around that ONE 
              person. When it involves more people- it ups the ante.
     3) GOD will take care of us all. Yep- HE loves even those Chinese Authority people who made 
             this wrong choice, and even so as they continue to make the wrong choice not to share info.
             The sad part is that not everyone will still be alive in this Earthly life. And while bad choices
               might be involved in a few cases (smoking cigarettes and having to deal with the resulting 
              lung disease caused high risk to catching the CDVID19... well, sure)'s not like  
             those people went out looking for this latest virus. This thing is killing A LOT OF
             INNOCENT PEOPLE (innocent as far as 'did nothing wrong in order to get this and be 
             killed by it' as well as CHILDREN 9even as they heal from it) suffering from the illness or 
              watching their Parents and Grandparents go through this.  
              The kind of real emotional trauma we are ALL going through from this.
              That's what we're talking about here....GOD's got this! Yep- for EVERYONE; whether we
               die in this life, or continue to live in this life.
              GOD is there for YOU....IF YOU LET HIM.
    4) GOD will bring a tomorrow for those who will TRUST HIM.
              I am not going to panic.
              I AM going to CRY if I need to. Have I cried over this? Have I been afraid? Oh, heck YES!
              It's natural for anyone to feel afraid when danger comes. It's natural to cry when you start 
              feeling depressed and sad at seeing all the news of CDVID19 new cases and newly reported 
               deaths each day. To feel otherwise would be to NOT be HUMAN!
              The BIBLE has 366 times the words "fear" or "afraid" is used in telling us not to be afraid, 
              nor fear the unknown. Most people say that number is to cover each day (plus an extra for 
              Leap Year) to remind us that GOD is in control. JESUS even said it: "Fear not- for I am with 
              you always." 
               Yes, it's meant to tell us to STOP being afraid. But we don't know the feeling of fear unless 
               we first experience it. No brainer, that. I tend to think that as we read through the entire
               Bible (if you have NOT read entirely through, then how can you judge the book?), it takes 
              time. Even if we read one entire Book each day, things are happening during the course of 
             the day that could cause us to fear something or be afraid. So MY thoughts are that these are 
              just little reminders as we go along studying, reading, and living out our days- each day one                  at a time- we read GOD telling us "I am here with you, so I'll comfort you through this 
               thing,"...and HE DOES.  I can dry my eyes, get up, get busy, and even LAUGH again.         
             Our WONDERFUL CREATOR made us so perfectly- we have feelings that make our bodies 
               react. Even Scientists agree with this fact. Fear and Anxiety make our bodies want to take 
              physical action. But; it comes from GOD Himself- that spirit of Self-Control to take that fear               and anxiety and allow it to bring us closer to HIM. That's where the calmness is felt; giving 
             in to the fact that we puny humans cannot control everything. We're WEAK. Let's face it- 
            we're only strongest when we bond with a weak twig can be stronger in a bundle
            of weak twigs. The problem is that we tend to bundle ourselves up with other weak humans. 
              And when a bowling ball gets dropped suddenly on that bundle.... the bulk is broken up to 
            bits. Why not bundle up with a larger BRANCH? If I was going to hide to protect myself 
            from anyone seeing me, which do you think I'd choose: a skinny Sapling just planted, or a 
             giant Redwood tree trunk?
    5) GOD does love YOU- even if you don't believe in HIM. Can you say that for any human when 
            it comes to loving you? Humans are fickle. Jobs are fickle. Money is fickle- money comes 
            and goes; mostly GOES! Life itself is fickle. You live and then you die as a 'number' in a 
             statistic for that year. Your physical body rots- no matter if it's left out, buried, or 
             mummified. People forget you.
            But not so with GOD.
            "For GOD so loved the world, He gave His Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST, that  
             whosoever believeth in Him, should have everlasting life." from John 3:16 in the BIBLE. 

     I'm praying for my ChiefHubby, our Kids, our Grandbabies, and all our friends, extended family, Church family, neighbors, and everyone around the world. I'm praying for the animals in our world, for our Earth itself, and our countries and all their Leaders. I'm praying for the USA and that our flag will be waving proudly when we all get back up and out again. I know we will rebound; our people will mourn together all the loss, and celebrate the RE gains as we pull together again and get our economies going... one day at a time, one thing at a time....under GOD in Whom We TRUST! 

      "Blessed is the nation whose GOD is The LORD." Amen!


  1. Couldn't have said this any better.

  2. Well said, my friend! I will revisit this each time my human-ness overcomes, and I forget to fully trust in Him. This will remind me to read my Bible, pray and be thankful.

  3. PS You may want to delete the comment on your most recent post forever. I'm afraid to leave a comment, sadly.

  4. Sara- I DID delete that-WOW!
    Some folks need to get a real life and stop hacking other people's lives.
    It's a shame they see some kind of creepy need to go after even sentimental (totally non-monetary) subjects. Sad, indeed.
