Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge #19 Birds...Americana Ticket Booklet

     The end of Summer 2020 is upon us much faster than I'd prefer it to be. And instead of lazing in my pool, or catching the Fall winds in my sailboat, I'm spending the month of September and October (5 weeks) up in Red Wing, Minnesota. I've missed way too much of the youngest Grandbaby, so this will catch me up- I hope. I am squealing with glee on just my 2nd day today: Baby Jamie pulled himself up to stand!! What a treat for this Memaw! I've missed all the other things so far, because Facebook/Messenger is just not the same as being there. With the COVID19 going on; it's been a rough year for families to be together. This is only the second time in 37 years of married life that the ChiefHubby and I have been apart- the first being his trip to Haiti for Missions over a one week

period in 2015. He drove me up, with hearing pup, HunniPi, to join the younger set of Kids, youngest GrandBaby, and three Grandpups- it's a full house- and drove back yesterday to be back at work today...on his 58th Birthday. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR!!!) Before we left, we closed up the pool and took "The Wind In Her Sail" out of dock. We also spent Labor Day weekend camping out on the older set of Kids' acreage. Papaw will still be able to see them each week, and I have already Facetimed with them so they can see Cousin Jamie with Memaw. Just

before we headed up, the ChiefHubby had his 3rd surgery for the blood clots- the lung clot is totally gone! Praise The LORD! So they were able to take the filter out and said his blood is thinned just fine now. What a Summer this has been.
      I've been a bit absent during the last Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge due to constraints of time. But I'm geared up to not only try to be in all their Challenges while here, I have TWO makes to post (soon on the 2nd one)!
So let's get to it:

This booklet actually began in 2017, but was only a collection
of a few die cuts and saved trinkets by the time I got it back out to finish.
So there was a LOT of die cutting to be done once again, in order to have enough to make a book with. I used Mat Board for the base- so these are very thick,
very sturdy pages!

My Book- my terabyte of years worth of photos- went on the blink
in mid-crafting...I was able to save ALL of it!!
It transferred over to a new 2 terabyte My Book for a fraction of the cost of the 1T. (Western Digital: I highly recommend this type of backup.)
I'm now able to travel with a smaller drive and still have the old as a backup.
However; I forgot my editing program, so the pics are NOT my usual fare,
and my watermark is absent from all pics.

      Ending up with a really cool Ticket Booklet!



    As always; The Funkie Junkie Boutique is sponsoring a $25 Gift Certificate in
a random drawing during each Challenge. And you can't win unless you 
GET CRAFTY and share to the Challenge page! So get the scissors,  glue, paper, stamps, inks, and dies/embossers out...and have some FUN with us!

                   Be sure to pop over to see what everyone else is sharing on
                             The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge Blog,
   and get ready for more inspirational makes from our WONDERFUL DT!

               Be Safe; wear the MASK, wash the HANDS &
                         HAPPY BLOGGING!!


  1. Lyla, this ticket book is freaking AMAZING! I have looked at all of your photos of the completed booklet several times, but I want to hold this in my hands and flip through it again! There's just so much that I want to gush over, but just not enough time in the day! That fold out is so clever as is the tiny folded ticket booklet and all those cool tickets! So much attention to detail and so wonderfully made! Thank you so much for getting this done in time for our Birds challenge at The Funkie Junkie Boutique blog; the eagle says it all!

  2. What a cool book!!!! What a lot of work!! the details, wow!!! Really fabulous!!!!
    I'm so glad your hubbies surgery went well and that you get so much time with your grandbaby!!! Yes, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So relieved to hear hubby's lung clot is cleared and that you've got to spend so much catch up time with the grandbabies. Your ticket booklet is a real gem, full of so many cool hand crafted bits and bobs - I bet anyone could spend an age just looking at them and enjoying them all. Thank you for joining in with our challenge at The Funkie Junkie Boutique blog x
