Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Funkie Junkie Boutique's Inspiration Ave #5; Finish It... Truckloads of Eggs!

arch! Spring! I've got just 3 weeks left of Florida living and then it's time to head north again to Indiana. I've hardly had time in the last week to catch my breath not just from all the things to finish up here, but from all the events and running around. I've had some time on my surfboard, finally, but not yet gotten out the windsurfer. There just hasn't been time, and when there is; the weather doesn't want to cooperate. We've spent the past week with everyone here at the camp, and several friends who have popped in on their way here or there. I've hardly had time to talk to the Grandbabies since they're an hour ahead of us and that puts their bedtimes well ahead of ours. Seems like we've just run, run, run. Frankly, this woman is pooped out. I took one look at that photo of Princess Rose, asleep in the grocery cart, and I definitely can relate to that feeling.  Once these storms pass, though, I'm going to try to get the most surfing time in that I can- while I can!

There's another new theme over at Inspiration Ave! I'm starting out with the first of The Funkie Junkie Boutique's Design Team's "Finish It!" where Owner, Linda Coughlin is challenging us to backtrack just a bit and finish a project that's been put on hold. If you're like me; you've got plenty of projects to choose from that have been tucked away with good intentions of getting back to them... at some point. I just happened to bring one project with me that was started and ultimately set aside further and further from my attention. Here it is, one year later, and I'm rising to that challenge to


I got out the baggie that had 3 sets of Eileen Hull's (Sizzix)
Scoreboards XL Die Vintage Truck
which came with my then-new Big Shot Foldaway in December 2022.
I'm actually lucky to have waited to finish this project because
I've got newer Tim Holtz dies and paperie to use for it than I did last year!
I got hooked on Eileen Hull's Scoreboard Dies when I purchased a few
of them from The Funkie Junkie Boutique some years back.
There are some newer dies in stock at TFJB (I've got my eye on Field Notes!)

Let's get started with that handy List of Links:

I needed 5 trucks, so that meant cutting out 2 more sets of matboard...
and 5 sets of front and back sides for all 5 trucks.
That meant A LOT of die cutting. Or so I thought that was a lot at the time.

Then I began gluing all the paper covering onto the matboard first.
After all the paper was adhered, I could put the trucks themselves together
to form the boxes in the middle of the two sides of truck.
I did use the front cover of my Scoreboards Die to guide me along.

It was easy, but I simply had more than one truck to do.

The last one was for myself.
Since I like old-looking things, I used some Oxides to age the pieces
after the paper was glued. I heat-dried each piece to set the Oxides,
before the final put together.

I made a run to the thrift store for some foam (sticky back) to use for eggs.
I also picked up some pom-poms that matched the foam colors.
I got out the die I would've used last year to make this project.
Tim used part of this on his most recent Vault Die (listed above).
It's also the die set I used in 2022 to announce Baby Larimore #4
(CLICK HERE to view that project.)

I peeled off the entire sheet's protective paper
and folded each foam sheet over onto itself, keeping the sticky side to the inside.

And die cut... a WHOLE LOT MORE!
Die cutting also the bunny shapes from the brand new Hippity Hop by Tim Holtz,
and adding bow ties and hair bows denoting boy/girl.

I used my glue gun to adhere all the bows and fluffy balls matching 
each color to each bunny.
I put 2 eggs together and made each egg "rounded out" by 
adding alot of glue into the middle of the 2 eggs then pressing all
around the edges. This gave them a more "eggy" feel, lol!

I made two sets of the buns so I'd have all four Grandbabies in my truck,
and one for each of their own truck.

Here's the FINISHED Project!

Front of Old Truck



Bunnies bringing a truckload of eggs to each Grandbaby... and Memaw!

I'm so glad you were with me on this trip by trucks,
and I hope it inspires you to do as we're doing for this next two weeks,
get out a project you've set aside,
dust it off, and join our Design Team as we each take our turn 
every couple of days to

Be sure to stop in at
The Funkie Junkie Boutique
as more new items arrive, so you can update your project
the way I've done with mine.
Take your time and enjoy the feeling of a FINISHED make to share!

Until next time...

Stay Safe &

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