Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge #26; It's Holiday Time.....Ornament Gifts for the Chickstas!

     Christmas time is here! While it's not exactly a favorite holiday of mine, I do enjoy all the gathering together and the fun involved. It's the SNOW I can do without, yet somehow; it's not really Christmas without snow. Catch up to me when I finally figure that one out. In any case, it's a very busy time of year- especially if you're a Crafter and you like making your gifts! I like to make many of our gifts, but I also like shopping for things our grown Kids- and now our Grandkids- like. I absolutely love it when you can get something for someone when you know they've been wanting that item for a long time. It just feels so good to make others smile! And that is a big part of the holiday; not the gift giving itself, but the happiness you can bring to anyone. This also involves ministries and outreach in our Church Family: CHRISTmas should be celebrated every day of the year when it comes to sharing nice things. Making sure that everyone has what they NEED is an every day thing, but going that extra mile to also passing along to others the things we all WANT comes at this holiday season. "It's always nice to have something new, no matter who you are or what your circumstances are," is what my late MiLaw always said.. But when we can MAKE something- be it cookies, candy, paper items, sewn, crocheted, knit, molded, painted, drawn, or whatever your 'art' is... is a special kind of gift.
      I looked all over for a type of snow globe our young "Peanut" Grandson could have. I took him shopping with me one day this fall and he absolutely LOVED Hobby Lobby and all the fun gadgets/home décor they have. He fell in love with a little box that looked like a TV set and was a winter scene with a mini train running in circles inside. It also played music and he loved that! He has this 'thing' for trains right now, and his fancy is fulfilled every time his Grammy Fasha (Peanut's Mommy's Mom) takes him to the miniature train land up near them in Northern Indiana. She sent him home with a little train alarm clock and I wanted to get the TV from Hobby Lobby for him to have here. But alas; when I went back to get it while gift shopping- you guessed it; only one left and it was broken. I hope to still find one, but in the meantime... what about a SNOWGLOBE a 2 year old can have?? Our Younger Son adored snow globes and his Grandma Larimore gifted him one Christmas with a really nice thick glass musical globe. And that's fine for an older boy, but a toddler?? 

        And then, there was the annual "Saucer Sisters" (a smaller group of my Besties- the ones who all go camping together throughout the year). Christmas Party coming up FAST. I'd already gotten started on the first gifts, but needed to round out a second smaller item. I'd picked up these little stiff  felt ornaments from Hobby Lobby a few months ago, without any real plan for them. An idea hit me when I got a new Tim Holtz Alterations Die (Snow Globe #1) and got to thinking how I could make that die cut into a Tag since Tags are usually one of the gifts I make for them every year. I ended up holding the felt cuts and thinking about my Spellbinder Stacked Circles Set would work even better as it fit almost perfectly! So I messaged them all for a fave photo from anytime they chose that was family. 

                              Here's what I came up with...

What I started with...
plain white cardstock and a bit of light blue from my stack of colors.

Trash Plastic was HARD to find this year!
So I came up with an idea that I could use the same clear Contact Paper that
was covering the die cut photos (to allow the glitter to run smoothly over the photo)
and just fold a cut portion of it sticky side to sticky side and cut it as usual in the machine.
I then got an idea to emboss the cut 'plastics' and it worked so nicely!
Add some Tim Holtz Distress Stickles Dry Glitter in Rock Candy,
and presto: A SAFE SNOW GLOBE!

You can tell which ornament is Memaw Larimore's!  :)
        I think the Besties enjoyed theirs (Sue will get hers when they return from Florida!), and 
I really think Wittle Peanut will enjoy his also! The younger two Grandbabies got their First Christmas photo ornaments just like Peanut did for his, so I don't leave any of my Babies out.

            There's a second entry to this The Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge Blog coming up hot on the heels of this post; the main gift to the Chickstas, so I hope you'll stick around for it! And don't forget that while this is the last Challenge for this year on TFJBCB, 2020 is just around the corner and you can jump in at any point! Your entry will join the others in the same even chance of a random drawing for a nice Gift Certificate from TFJBCB's Sponsor, The Funkie Junkie Boutique !!

                                 See you at the next post, and till then...

                                               Be Safe, &
                                    HAPPY BLOGGING!


  1. Lyla, these ornaments are a great heartfelt gift for your Grandson and friends! I love the embossed snowflake on the reverse side of these memorable photos. Thank you for playing along in our It's the Holidays challenge at The Funkie Junkie Boutique blog! Merry Christmas! Sara Emily

  2. Great little ornament chock full of memories forever. Thanks for joining us at The Funkie Junkie Boutique Blog.
