Merry CHRISTmas!! No, I don't think it's too late to say that, not because it's only 2 days post, but because the very fact that CHRISTmas celebrates the birth of The King of Kings means that we proclaim His birth- as well as His sacrificial death and Resurrection- every single day of the year. Immanuel means "GOD with us", and HE is! Let's face it, folks, like it or not: if you celebrate Christmas, then you are celebrating the above Holy Birth, and aaaaall the rest. Yep. But that's not meant to be boastful; only praising! And when anyone celebrates with, the more reason to be merry!
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog chose to make Celebrate! their theme for the week of December 21st, and it's perfect for what I was busy with in the background of the holiday. I've stopped making Christmas cards altogether, since it took literally a full month to get them done and out. They were not handmade as most Crafters would think, but rather works of photographic art. I would compile a file on my computer of "Best of" photos that included all the happenings of our family during that year. If the photo didn't 'say it all', I'd add a bit of text (yeah- that was a real stretch for me to keep the text simple, lol!) someplace next to the pic. It really did fill an entire half-fold card since our family not only did quite a bit, but our boys were pretty successful all around in everything they did. That's not a brag; we were BLESSED and we know it! It was a huge undertaking; the creating of the template, the card itself with it's printing, folding, enveloping/licking, and stamping (I spent several years doing all these 3 things while on my treadmill, no less!), and the ultimate addressing (eventually printing after years of hand-addressing), pre-sorting for the US Post, and finally....the cost of a single stamp beat me out. Actually, it was the death of my late Mom-In-Law that helped it come to an end, since most of our cards can be hand-passed at church. I even made up an alphabetized box for church, so that everyone could easily find their own cards, as well as pass them out. It was my MiL who loved the cards I made. It was actually years before I knew this. I was sitting with her and mentioned thinking of ending the work it took to make the cards, when she said "Oh, but I LOVE your cards!" I was floored as she went on to explain how the usual 'Christmas Letter' became a thing of bragging words, whereas the photos I showed helped her be a part of 'reliving' the year in it's best places. So I kept on, and her unexpected death in February 2011 just helped my decision to end the cards. All of this comes to mind with the 10th year we miss her- in 2021.
Meanwhile, A Vintage Journey has issued a message along with the December Challenge, that this will be the last. Ever. For now?? I mean, c'mon, people...I'm feeling like every Challenge Blog I've tried to enter in 2020 (getting out of my 'only this one' box) has stopped in one way or another. (Previously was Mini Album Makers Challenge which stopped mid-year.) I can honestly see the point, though: I am totally awed by the amount of sheer work that goes into making up a challenge- let alone going through all the entries via social media in so many forms now. I cannot imagine how anyone would think it "fun" to do that kind of workload just for everyone else to have all the fun creating just one (or more if they choose) project. These crafters/Lead Designers/people-with-the-patience-of-a-saint are just downright AWESOME!!!! But then....Crafters are just that, and more. So, while I just got the gumption earlier this year to join this elite group of Challenge makers/takers, who am I to say plans otherwise? I can only give a huge shoutout of
for the memories of all the stunning work- which still appears not only on Pinterest, past blog posts of A Vintage Journey, and - I am totally unashamed to admit; my own files of photos of the makes along with the names of the makers, which I can refer to and look up their latest for more inspiration or help. I am grateful ALWAYS for the Journey in which I have been BLESSED to be able to tag along- even if it was considered by Twitter as "creeping". I PROUDLY CREPT on your makes!! (LOL) I wish I could type in every name here- but I know I'd miss someone. So there you are: if you were somewhere along with me in A Vintage Journey...I THANK YOU! Please accept my humble last offerings...
Part 1 of my Cards... "A 2020 Christmas Carol of Cards"
(And MANY THANKS to all the Tim Holtz Addicts folks who made ATC Cards from a deck of playing cards- or their own ATCs from which the inspiration came! You know who you are!)
Lyla, these are fabulous cards, and I'm so happy you are playing with a full deck! This is one of those just pop ins. On my way out the door in a minute, but wanted to be sure I left some love. I'll be back to really read your post and see what part two has to offer as well. Happy New Year!