Friday, February 28, 2014

Black&White Vintage Camera Tag

 I must be on some kind of 'roll' or have a fire lit under me lately. Whatever it is; I've gotten more things crafted in this past month than all of this winter put together. It's probably that feeling of 'closing in of 4 walls' that comes with all this UNending SNOW. Grrrrr! Not that productivity's been a bad thing, mind you. ;)
     This was a very simple project that came about from one night of logging into Tim Holtz's Pinterest Pins and putting a few of the fave pins I'd like to try uploaded into my own files on my main pc. iPad is certainly more convenient, but I can't live without the big setup either. I do just about all my camera/photog work on it. Even if it's already done on one of my Tablets. (You GO, Microsoft, Apple, & esp Canon!) With Tim's new March Tag coming out tomorrow, this had to be a quick work of posting.


 Thanks for dropping by,
and I hope to you come again.
Happy Blogging!     

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

An Anniversary of ReNewed Vows...February 24, 2002

I've been blessed
many times over in my life, and while there were several bad points of my growing-up years, GOD certainly has made up for it...ten-fold-plus! I met my ChiefHubby when I was just 16 years old at the start of the summer of 1982 when he was recently moved back into his parents' home after finishing his Freshman Yr at PURDUE University in West Lafayette, IN. Two years later, and already many great memories made, pasted into scrapbooks, saved for when we could 'take it out someday and show our kids' (which we DID); we were married in a nice, big, white, church wedding that we did ourselves. Just after our 4th Anniversary, Brian (CaptFFSon) came along, and 3 yrs later- just 17 days apart-  Brett (Ygr PurdueNukeHonorsEngineeringSon)was born.
       Along the way on our road of life, we met a family who helped make the hugest difference in our marriage,in our lifestyle and in our life itself; The Dixon Family. I'd chosen to return attending church which we kind of 'fell out of' at some point in those early years, the way alot of young people do. And from that very first visit to a church I'd gone to as a youngster a few times, this young, new, rather 'nerdy-looking' Preacher and his very young beautiful wife and blonde-headed little girl...well, let's just say that when I asked if he could explain some of his beliefs with me, his Wife said "We come together as a Family to visit. Is that ok?" I hadn't wanted David to know I was inviting them over. At that time, my Husband was a very shy person. VERY shy. Rarely ever talking in front of anyone unless he'd known them for a long time. And certainly never talking in front of a large group! Let alone running anything himself. So when he came home EARLY that day from work- walking right into the middle of our chat over this church and attending, and faith itself... I was at least able to say "See, doesn't he REALLY look like your cousin, Richie, Dear?!" (To which he did say he thought that it was indeed Richie when he first walked in!) Long story short-ER... David chose to start getting up to help me get the boys (4&7 then) ready to go with me on Sundays. Then came the week Brian said "Daddy's gonna go with us this week!" and I kind of "Oh. That's nice. But we'll see, ok?" (aka: Don't hold yer breath,kid.)
     But, he did go that Palm Sunday. And then he chose to be baptised. His parents had David baptised as a newborn baby in the Lutheran Church. I was baptised in my Grandmother's Church- one of several she'd attended- Church of GOD. We were married in the Methodist Church, which I 'claimed' for my own, but was never allowed (or rather INVITED as it went) to become a member. Since this was a non-denom Christian Church we'd begun back to, I also chose to go through baptism again; with David. John baptised us on Sunday afternoon June 16th, 1997- the very day of our first date in 1982! Many of our own family were present- one of the last gatherings they all came for us to. We had everyone over to our home afterward, where we basically spent the entire day getting to know John & Christie alot better. The next day, Christie went into labor and had their second of what would become four beautiful- inside AND out- lovely young ladies whom we love DEARLY!! In August 1997, we watched as John baptised our sons at their request- in the same creek near our home that my Grandfather was baptised in during his youth.
       We also got to know their families as they visited up while John & Christie lived here in Indiana. We also got involved in a missions that builds churches (based in Birmingham, AL, at a Baptist Church) called Carpenters For Christ. And in 2004, they moved back to John's hometown in Florida to help take over for his ailing Uncle who was Preacher there. While it nearly tore our hearts out, thinking that I'd never see them again, David promised that we'd see them MORE often than we did when they lived just up the road. And true to his word, he has kept that promise! Life was so busy when we lived here, that it kept us from spending much time together. But when we take time off to go to see them, it feels like we all just 'pick up where we last left off'. But not only do we have just the 6 Dixons, but the rest of John's family; his WONDERFUL Mom (who insists her name is just "MawMaw" and she is known to just about everyone down there), & 3 older brothers, with their beautiful wives,(and ALL the girls are BEAUTIFUL in that family !!!), children, & fast-coming Grandchildren; have chosen to 'adopt' us as their "Larimore-Dixon" side of the family. Can you imagine how much that means to us- when we have hardly any left of our own family to keep close touch with. It's almost as if GOD sent them up here just to make sure WE were saved for HIM. I mean not to be prideful, but rather that it is SO VERY HUMBLING to be SO VERY BLESSED!!! We LOVE that family SO VERY MUCH, and ask for The LORD to bless them more immensely than HE has chosen to bless us.
        So. This brings me to the reason for this post. John had a neat idea for a set of sermons for one February to celebrate Valentine's Day. He'd set up a wedding where anyone who wanted to, could renew their vows in a special Sunday Service. He made out special invitations for the couples to send out, had the 4H kids make tiered-wedding cakes with Groom's cakes too for a real reception after the service. Nuts, mints, was complete. So David asked me if I would be interested since John asked him to think about doing it. I thought it was a nice 'restart' for our marriage (which never was 'bad' in any way, but neither was it as GREAT as only GOD can make it when you bind the 2 of you with HIM). The week before that Sunday, I got to thinking and got out my original wedding dress I wore on July 14, 1984 (which, yes, my Mother made this also. FYI: she also made a Dedication Gown for our babies to have their photos in...very treasured items priceless only in my heart), and asked John what he thought if I wore it. He said "Go for it- ya'all can do anything ya'all want with this to make it special for each of ya." Their 'southewn drawl' and my deafness creates some funny be sure! So I got out that size 5 dress with the 72 REAL buttons down the back and 18 MORE REAL buttons on each sleeve, and let it hang in secret- to surprise David with. I kinda wished I had it ironed, but the desired result was achieved: David was surprised, our boys got to see Mom & Dad get married just like they were before the 2 of them were born- AND BE IN THE PICTURES TOO!! (Yep- one of my Besties is a pro photographer and she even did all that for all the couples too.) We've since, moved to a church nearer to the county seat (Logansport) that is also an independent Christian called Church of Christ at Logansport (the one that really ROCKS with GREAT MUSIC and is located right off the brand new Hoosier Heartland Corridoor near the intersection of Hwy 29 South- also called Burlington Ave.)just after John &Christie moved back home. We've been growing, reaching out in so many BLESSED ways ! (You can check us out at & on FaceBook as Church of Christ at Logansport with a bright blue background of Jesus, and a cover of the congregants welcoming you. I help take care of the FB page with photos, along with some WONDERFUL helpers posting alongside me.)As for the REwedding Day we had...
What a LOVELY memory that is for us! And I cannot thank the Dixon Family enough...the changes they helped us make were not done overnight. It all actually happened as we grew in our friendship, and in our love. And more importantly; we're all gonna be together with GOD for ETERNITY! A person just cannot be blessed any better than that. :D And to my ChiefHubby; I LOVE YOU MORE! HAPPY ReWedding Anniversary, Dear !!!
       Thanks for reading, and I hope you check back again as I post more crafts, fun times, and funny times. Happy Blogging!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My First ALTERED BOOK: "photographic life", & Cabinet Cards, too!

      Amid the busy-ness and crazy-ness (my spelling is correct here when used in terms of our life) of the past week...  Fire meeting, CPR recertification, & ice jams causing the Wabash to flood all along the county, a water rescue amid all of that with my Chief and FFCaptSon both out doing all that while texting me to "stay put" here at home (which I DID obey-this time anyway) strange weather mixes of snow, fog, rain, sleet, and thunderstorms w lightening  causing the need for all the 'techy' items to be unplugged, only to go through the whole process again in a few hours   ...which I am very  thankful for, in any case. Especially when some lost belongings- and very nearly their LIFE- in all this ice-filled, fast-rushing water.
    Life hands you a boring lemon and you need to figure out that you have to take advantage of the chance you have and make some lemonade- even if you aren't thirsty for it at that moment. So when I had a chance to get to this project that has sat on my desk since I picked it up for a mere $1 on a trip south, I 'sorta' grabbed it. Actually, with a Dr appt...again....*groan* that I couldn't get out of this time, since the day before I had been totally bed-ridden with pain so badly, it got me crying even through all the 24 meds. And even worse; it makes it hard to communicate eg: concentrate enough to make the information in your brain come down and out of your mouth. And make SENSE, in the end of it all. So making the video was a challenge for me this time. Low fronts can do that and this one was a rough one. Just call me Living Barometer. Anyway...
    I'd actually looked forward to doing this ever since the FFCaptSon made an altered book his Sr Yr of HS. I'd stopped in and checked out all the books his class had made and was impressed with them. Very impressed since they 'told a story' using pictures and crafted paper items that were interactive- lots of 'doors' to open, or 'pull tab',etc. So now, when I see any others have done, I check them out! (And I still have Brian's too- tucked away with all his other keepsakes that will one day belong to his Future Wife- whomever she may be...there's a plug for a cute FF, Single Young Ladies!)
I learned a few things from this experience:
      1) Books never behave the way you want them to. I 
        already knew this from working for the kids' Elem  
        School's Librarian for many years. She'd taught me how
        to cover, repair, type-up cards for, file, and make out
        test questionaires for- and do anything else I am
        forgetting to add here- with/for books. Oh, yeah...
        they are especially great for READING! :D Snarky Gurl
        here. Our Purdue married couple will prob tease me with 
         "Mom TORTURED a BOOK!" because like me,
        they are huge readers. I am SO BLESSED that all of     
        our family LOVES to READ! Never understood it when I 
        met kids who DIDN'T like to read.
     2) When you think making an altered book is going to be
        easy because it LOOKS easy...go back up and read that 
        very first sentence of No.1.  :/
    With that all said, would I do another? OH YEAH!!! It was FUN! And I've already come up with an idea on a Pinterest Pin I've seen of a book of dolls. Like paper dolls. I'm thinking of perhaps a family or just one boy or girl with a dog, or cat, living in a dollhouse. With little outfits to dress with. That would put all my Sizzix Doll Body Die and all the coordinating clothing dies to a good use again. Maybe it will make a sweet child's gift...or whatever. It may be years till I get to it, but I will- when the inspiration hits me over the head like it did this past week.
    But hopefully, my Chief and Capt won't have as busy a week as they had THIS past week when I choose to do another book. :D
Here's another video that will show you some details on what I used and how I did mine. Plus, you'll see the Cabinet Cards inside. Come back and visit again soon ! Happy Blogging!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day 2014 !

Valentines Day always brings to my mind that very first
one spent with my -then boyfriend/now-30yrs-Husband. Of course, every couple will remember their first special holiday together. Ours was -as per our usual- a bit strange. We'd gone to our first formal dance just a couple of weeks or so before that Valentines Day of 1983. For being just 19 then, David really showed this then-16 yr old girl a thing or two about formal dining. He'd made reservations as the poshest restaurant in Logansport. (And it really WAS 'posh' back then.) And he timed everything so perfectly, whereas we saw the rest of the couples having to rush through their dinner as we were leaving to have photos taken before heading off to the dance. A true Fairy-Tale evening! My dress, I will readily admit; was THE niceest one there. That was thanks to my Mother, Nola, who crafted that entire piece herself. While it was not something anyone else would- or could- take on, for her, it was simply what she does. And she does it VERY WELL. It was a shiney blue taffeta that matched my eyes perfectly. And David's Mom had found a tie for him that was in the same shade of blue touches. I will not comment on hair styles (UGH!). Ok, loooong story short: my dinner consisted of something I'd never had before to that date: lobster. And it was soooo DELISH!! Alas, it was NOT so 'delish' when I saw it again that night. After a dreamy evening of dancing with the guy that I felt- even then- was THE ONE...and yes, a 16 yr old CAN see that far into a future, so beware of your kids dating so early if you want them to finish school (and I did- another of my goals). Anyway...
      That lobster was seen again...and again....all through the night after such a beautiful evening. Later, my Mother let me know that she never was able to eat seafood and keep it down. MMM-Hmmm... Thanks. I lived with my Dad (they were divorced) and if he wasn't aware of my lovely dinner plate before that- yep, he found out in the middle of the night about it. FUN. NOT! So here is where "Lobby Lobster" comes in- brought in for me on Valentines Day (after he got off work at McDonald's where he gone back for his summer job after his first year at PURDUE). The CARD that came with it was so SWEET, and I still have it. And....Lobby Lobster still sits on a shelf in our bedroom where I can be reminded of that first wonderful dance, and that first Valentines Day when I knew this man was the ONE I wanted to spend my life with. This is our 32nd holdiay of LOVE. And GOD willing; we will have many, many more!
Wishing you all a wonderful day with the one you love,
and special blessings from the One who is LOVE itself: GOD !

Thursday, February 6, 2014

FEBRUARY TAG - The 12 Tags of 2014

                      February has really blown in- all over the country. It used to be my usual wintertime complaint that I "hadda be born in INDIANA" but it seems that Old Man Winter has hit just about every state pretty hard this year. It's getting just a bit 'old' to see nothing but weather reports, not to mention reports of more snow on the way. However, it did give me T!m's Tag to look forward to, and he never seems to disappoint!
         This month's tag is a re-hash of the chalk technique Tim showed us in November. And just like that tag... I made a few mistakes. Ok. So I made several mistakes. For crying out loud....FINE! I made many mistakes. After about the fourth try on just ONE tag (remember that I usually make more than one so I can give them to share a smile to someone who needs a little lift), I was ready to give up. But I forged on and came up with three pretty passable chalkies. That was after the trip made to Lafayette for another blood lab draw since all my meds had to be updated. This girl couldda used a SPOON and it might have felt a bit less painful. Not my usual, but at least she was quick about it. So, NATURALLY, I needed to stop in at JoAnn's and the store my kids call "The Black Hole" aka Hobby Lobby, and see if the TH Alterations Feather/Ink Die is in stock yet. No, but the TH Apothocary Jars Die was in. And I took advantage of finding some Distress Glitter. Remember that I dislike glitter of any kind. Wouldn't you know it- T!m was using some on this month's tag! YAY! So I got in deep with both feet. And find out that it wasn't as bad. In fact, it was kinda fun, AND not too glitzy cause you can distress it and play down the glitz with some Distress Inks. Which is why I chose to get the clear.

   But,again, the chalk technique is difficult for me to duplicate. I end up using more embossing than chalk. It came down to a choice of wasting alot more cardstock (which I hate doing) or drowning in the embossing powder like dragging home all of Florida with you. I chose to use more emboss. Sort of used to all that grit in your swimsuit, I guess. 

   And then, of course, you have the backsides that I like to also do something with- makes it nice if it's hanging up. This was a simple TH Movers&Shapers die that is retired now. I "LOVE" this die! ;)  I followed the same idea and techniques except for the exact stamp. I just happened to find this one (on clearance even!) while shopping. I do like the stamp that T!m has because it just happens that Brett & Holli used that very song for their Wedding Dance together! That'd be a nice 1st Anniversary gift for them. :) Now, the top tag...
Of course, everyone who likes any kind of music knows what this month is: 50th Anniversary of THE BEATLES ARRIVING IN THE USA!
So I kept thinking of that since I am the ultimate BEATLES freak fan. Been like that since I was way little. We're talking; this 5 yr old little girl bawling her heart out because she sees Paul McCartney on the news (black and white even) in 1970 announcing the breakup of The BEATLES. I couldn't believe it. They broke my little girl heart. But I lived, and so did they. And they each went on to make some great tunes that literally kept the music world going. And they sang about the same things that we all lived in our lives. Not that I condone alot of the stuff that they did or even said. But their music is still a balm to my deaf ears. And since those were the tunes my now-completely-deaf ears remember...that's still what I KNOW. And that's why the tag I made- while it did NOT use the chalk technique, came out REALLY COOL if I do say so myself. I had a great time with making that little camera charm- a wood cut out of a pkg of 4 or 5 diff kinds of cameras that suits me in my love of photography perfectly! I used Distress Black Soot Paint, then Glossy Accents to put the two TH Ideaology Type Charms over each side of the open hole where the 'lens' of the camera was. Then got onto my trusty pc and picked out my fave BEATLES pics I keep in a file. I even stuck in a Fragment-glued pic of a poster that hangs in my craft room (thanks to my little sister finding that very old one for me that someone else TOSSED OUT..are you KIDDING ME?!?!). One Type Charm on front side has their pic of Ed Sullivan performance and the other side has another Type Charm with the date and "No.50" added all in cut misc numbers from the TH Numbers RubOns. I used a few TH Fragments for my fave albums. I had to add the "Let It Be" as a fave album. (The 'gift' song of my 'dream dance' at our younger son's wedding- video is on previous post before this.) And another fave- the "Abbey Road" also since those were the end of their combined careers and I also added two Game Pieces- painted with Distress Black Soot all over and then tops ran flat through Distress Picket Fence Paint to make the year. I added a stamped date too, just for the heck of it.  With a Sheet Music & another flourish Emboss Folders- I was able to add my own foil bottoms to each of the tags. I used some Ideaology for arrows and a Pen Nib for my new Daughter. Her fave color is the odd Tag using some lavender/purple shades.

    Something different I tried this time that I've never done before; I wanted a pearly pink that was the same color as a nail polish I have. After looking through my studio, I just went ahead and got the nail polish out and used it. The resulting ribbon made out of TH Symphony (folded onto itself) and added ric-rac ribbon...came out really COOL! Plus, I also hot-glued the ric-rac onto a cotton string lace ribbon and got my own mix for the three chalked tags
     So, while the BEATLES tag wasn't exactly a chalked-embossing, it was ALOT more work, and actually alot more fun than the other three tags were. For me, the fun really comes out of doing more creatively on what I LOVE most. And I know there are a TON of BEATLES fans out there who will enjoy seeing this too, and maybe take the idea and run with it for something else. Or even copy this. SHARING is what it's all about. Thanks for looking in once again! Happy Blogging!  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Just Another Very Important Day In Life

       One of the most important days of my entire life was the Wedding Day of our younger Purdue Son. It was one of many I've had in my life, along with: the day my future ChiefHubby asked me out on our first date on June 16, 1982; the day of his 20th birthday in September 1982 when he surprised me with a Promise Ring and made a vow to me that I'd be his wife someday; then on December 23, 1983 (my very last day of HS graduating mid-term then going back in May for Commencemt) when he presented me with an Engagement Ring on bended-knee and asked me to marry him; our Wedding Day on July 14, 1984; the births and subseqent birthdays each year of both our boys; their first day of school, their Elementary, Jr High, and then HS Graduations; when one of our very best friends and Preacher helped David and I renew our vows on Feb. 24, 2002; the day Brian graduated his Basic Fire Training course, then choosing to study Fire Science & his first day at Ivy Tech Community College; the day Brian moved out on his own to a rented house shared with two cousins (that was also the roughest day for me in my life); my ChiefHubby graduating for his Seminary Classes and getting his Certificate in front of the congregation at church (that was a surprise for both of us by our friend/Preacher!);Brett entering college at Purdue and moving to Lafayette to live on campus (another rough day in my life); the day they each brought home a girl to meet Mom&Dad (that was more joyful than rough); the day Brett asked his best friend since 1st Grade to be his wife- with a beautiful engagement ring, asking her to be his Wife. He'd put up "Post-It Notes" all over her dorm with directions for her to follow to the next note and finally find him on bended knee on Nov. 7, 2012. Both families worked through all the Bride's choices of colors, foods, invitations, etc, for the wedding to take place on August 10, 2013. It was a perfectly BEAUTIFUL DAY and a Fairy-Tale, Picture-perfect wedding ! It's taken me a long time to finally go through the photos. I chose not to be the Photographer for either of our sons' weddings. I didn't want my someday=Grandkids to ask "Where was Grandma?" like they will probably ask while sorting through the first 15 yrs or so of pics before I finally broke down with 'selfies' finding them quite UNselfish of a Mom afterall!
      So here are a few of my fave that I've worked on cropping or adding a border,etc. Our new Daughter, Holli (she's also an Honors student like her Hubby) chose a GREAT Photographer for the pics, and I had a wonderful time drooling over his cameras and chatting 'shop' with him- very nice guy, too! He takes the pics, puts them to CDs then lets you do what you want. MY KIND OF THING!! Cause it IS just what I've always done for others! I am so proud of my family! And I am doubly-blessed to have so many friends in our lives who love us like FAMILY to share all of this with ! While not all of them could be with us for everything I've mentioned, those who couldn't have always been close in HEART, thought, and prayer. GOD willing, we will have many more important days in our future to share.

                                 I got my 'dream' dance with our younger son, and our older son, Brian, saved the last dance for me. It was wonderful, and I danced every dance in between with their Dad. :')

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Handcrafted Travel Journal

 Here's another post catching up on something I crafted before having this blog. I'd done this during the early fall/late summer of 2013 with the intent of using it during trips taken this summer. We've always done traveling in the summer since we tried very hard to take time away from the hectic pace of the world to spend time with our boys as they grew up. My ChiefHubby grew up with his FFDad at the station for 24 hr shifts, but during the summer. his parents always took a couple of weeks to travel with their three kids. Since David was the oldest, he probably remembers more than his younger set of twin brother 
& sister. I heard alot of the stories from his Mom- esp of their yearly trips to Walt Disney World which began even before the park itself was finsished. So after we married, it was one of the first major trips we took since I'd never been there, but was the ULTIMATE Mickey Mouse fan! :D
        I've put together another video this afternoon- just as it was getting darker. I will definitely admit that it is MUCH easier to do a video for anyone other than YOURSELF. Why it seems to be harder to make a video of my own hands....I think it has to do with the photographer's eye is in two places at once- one in the lens and one on the subject. A photographer is just alot more comfortable BEHIND the cam than in front of it. In any case, here is the Travel Journal...THANKS for watching and I hope you'll peek back in again!